Chapter 39: Taeyeon's Confession (Part 1)

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A/N: Well, this is the part 1 of the last chapter... BUT there will be two more SPECIAL CHAPTERS SO YAY!!! The previous Special Chapter was the first one!

[ The Next Day: BYUNYulSic ]

No One's POV

Yuri and Jessica are currently making out... In the bed while kinda touching each other *wink*. Moans and whimpers echoed through the room until Jessica's phone rang. Jessica answered it before leaning back.

"*groans* Hello?" Jessica asked.

"Hey, Jessi-- You just stopped making out right?" Taeyeon asked.

"Oh, hi Taeyeon. And that's none of your business. Why did you called?" Jessica asked.

"I'm going to confess to Tiffany now, Jessica. I love her. I can't wait anymore." Taeyeon said.

"*gasp*!! Really?!" Jessica yelled.

"Yes. Please help me out. Tell it to Yuri too. Bye. Love you!" Taeyeon yelled and quickly hung up.

"WHO WAS THAT?! SHE SAID 'I love you'!" Yuri yelled angrily. Jessica was smiling widely she didn't even noticed Yuri getting angry.

"Are you cheating on me, Sica?!" Yuri yelled which snapped Jessica out of her thoughts. Jessica chuckled and leaned close to Yuri's face but Yuri keeps leaning away.

"Yah, Kwon Yuri. Remember this, i won't ever cheat on you! You're my SEOBANG for God's sake!" Jessica yelled and pounced on top of Yuri.

"Then who was it who called?" Yuri asked.

"Taeyeon. She said she's gonna confess to Tiffany later night and she needs help. Especially ours." Jessica said.

"I see. It's just 6:00 in the morning... Why don't we continue what we cutted off earlier?" Yuri asked, hovering on top of Jessica with a seductive smile before winking.

"*chuckles* Sure." Jessica said and they continued making out.

[ At The School: 8 AM ]

Taeyeon's hands were trembling because she just secretly placed a pink box full of chocolates at Tiffany's locker wihout Tiffany even knowing. Taeyeon walked to her classroom and sat on her class. Tiffany was asleep while YulSic was smiling at her.

"Well, Taeyeon, goodmorning!" YulSic yelled.

"Yeah, goodmorning." Taeyeon said.

"Did you said it to the other girls?" Jessica asked.

"Yup. They said they'll help me out too." Taeyeon said. Tiffany suddenly woked up and sat up.

"Help...? At what?" Tiffany asked half-asleep.

"Wha--?! Nothing!" TaeYulSic yelled.

"Come on, tell me!! I wanna help too!!" Tiffany yelled.

"Taeyeon-unnie wants help at her little confession for someone." Krystal said and earned a slap on the arm by her big sister.

"What...? But i thought you love me, Taeyeon?" Tiffany asked. Krystal mouthed, 'Taeyeon-unnie you need to lie.' before winking to the girls.

"I do love you but there is someone else too. You can go with me whenever and wherever you wnt but please, don't make her see you." Taeyeon said. Tiffany was in the verge of tears but she held it in.

'Maybe it was a bad idea?!' Taeyeon thought.

"Okay, class i have an important meeting in a few hours." The teacher said.

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