Chapter 17: Is Seohyun Angry Or Hurt?

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Yoona's POV

W-Why am i crying...? Yes, i know i am hurt but...just why?

"Yoona, don't cry." Tiffany said and hugged me with Taeyeon.

"I d-don't understand. She didn't have to b-be so cold to me." I sobbed.

"She's just hurt, that's all. I was like that when i was...hurt right?" Tiffany asked.

"Hurt by who?" Taeyeon asked.

"I don't have to tell you that, Taeyeon." Tiffany said. They released me and smiled.

"We'll take you home." Taeyeon said. I wiped away my tears and nodded.

Tiffany's POV

Honestly, i don't even know if Seohyun's hurt. Maybe Seohyun's more angry than hurt. Arrgh, i don't know!!

"Tiffany, let's go." Taeyeon said. I nodded and walked with Yoona and Taeyeon.

"Sooo, any plans for tommorow? It's weekend." I cutted off the silence.

"Ummm, what about we go to my favorite place?" Yoona asked.

"Where is that?" Me and Taeyeon asked.

"It's a secret. You guys will know tommorow." Yoona said.

"So, we'll go to this favorite place of yours, then? Okay. We'll meet you up at your 9:00 AM?" Taeyeon asked.

"It's more beautiful there at evening so let's go at 9 in the evening." Yoona said.

"Okay." We said.

"Tiffany-noona!!" I heard Baekhyun's voice. We turned around and saw Baekhyun and his other friends running to us.

"Is something wrong, Baekhyun?" I asked.

"Yoona-noona, you do know that Taecyeon is after you right??" Baekhyun asked. Yoona nodded.

"Well, it's not just Taecyeon who's after you, Yoona-noona. Nichkhun is after you too, Tiffany-noona!" Baekhyun yelled.

"Jijja?!" I yelled.

Yoona's POV

I knew there was something Nichkhun was after and it was Tiffany.

"Nichkhun is after Tiffany? Well that makes sense because Nichkhun was once Tiffany's boyfriend. I think he wants Tiffany back." Taeyeon said.

"Yeah, i agree to your thoughts Taeyeon." I said. What could happen next two days? Arrggh.

[ The Next Day: 9:00 PM ]


"WAIT UP!! You're walking so fast! What's wrong with you?!" Sooyoung yelled.

"I'm in a bad mood if it wasn't so obvious already." I said. Seohyun was, well, is in her deep thoughts. She's not even looking at me. Pfffft.

"Why are you in a bad mood?" Hyoyeon asked.

"Ask Tiffany and Taeyeon, geez." I said.

Hyoyeon's POV

Actually, i knew why Yoona's in a bad mood. Maybe, she's angry at Seohyun too?

"Why is she in a bad mood?" I asked Taeyeon and Tiffany.

"Nichkhun is chasing after Tiffany." Taeyeon said.

"WHAT?! Kai didn't told this to me!" I yelled.

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