Chapter 21: Oh, Gee!!

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[ The Next Day ]

Sooyoung's POV

"WOW. You and Seohyun got together?? That's great!!" I yelled, receiving confused looks on everyone. Me and Yoona were obviously walking around the school to kill time.

"Shhhh! Be quiet." Yoona said while blushing.

"Yoona!" We heard Hyolyn's voice. We turned around and saw Hyolyn and her friends.

"Yes?" Yoona asked.

"We heard that you and Seohyun finally made up and got together FOR REAL!! Is that true?" Dasom and Bora yelled. I bursted out laughing. Everyone around us were smiling like an idiot and some were laughing along with me.

"So much for keeping it a secret..." Yoona mumbled.

"Anyways, congrats!!" Soyou yelled.

"Thanks!" Yoona said while smiling.

"Yoong-ah!!" I heard Yoona's dear little girlfriend yelled.

"Seobaby!!" Yoona yelled and hugged Seohyun.

"Awwww." Me and Hyolyn cooed.

"Yoong-ah, do you wanna go to the mall with me? Let's bring the other unnies along! Also, Hyolyn, Bora, Soyou, and Dasom too!" Seohyun yelled.

"Of course. Do you guys wanna go?" Yoona asked.

"Sorry. I have to talk with my father after school so i can't." I said.

"We can go." Hyolyn and the other three said.

"Yay! Too bad you're not gonna come with us, Sooyoung-unnie, Sunny-unnie is coming with us!" Seohyun said. Huh?

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked. Seohyun quickly covered her mouth.

"That's nothing! We just wanna say that Sunny-unnie is gonna come that's all." Yoona said.

"Ohhh." I said.

"Well, we gotta go to the library to study at the upcoming Midterm Exams." Dasom said.

"Midterm Exams huh? WAIT, MIDTERM EXAMS?! I totally forgot to study!" Yoona and I yelled.

"Oh, Gee! I'll help you Yoong-ah and Sunny-unnie will help you, Sooyoung-unnie." Seohyun said. I nodded and smiled. I like being with Sunny because i get to tease her.

[ 27 Minutes Later ]

"Seriously, Sooyoungie are you even listening to me?" Sunny asked which snapped me out of my thoughts. I wonder why i have been staring at her  a lot lately.

"Sorry." I said. We're now on the library with Yoona and Seohyun but they're on the other table. Instead of a normal study, Yoona and Seohyun's 'studying' is more like a 'study date' like WHA?!

"Oh, Gee! Why are they study dating? YulSic aren't like thi--"

"Look." I cutted off Sunny by pointing at YulSic who are making out near the door.

"Now that's some extreme PDA." Sunny said.

"HyoKai aren't like this either. They hold hands and make out when they have the time." I said.

"Yeah, i wish me and my girlfriend would do something like that." Sunny said. What? Did i heard that right?

"You have a girlfriend?" I asked.

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