Chapter 29: The Breakup Of You-Know-Who

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[ At TaeNy ]

Taeyeon's POV

"Fany-ah, we're almost at the litte house." I said.

"Good. I can finally sit down." Tiffany said.

"I wonder if the other six are in there." I mumbled.

"Don't worry. They're fast. Didn't Jessi said she and Yul are already there? I think SooSun is there too." Tiffany said.

"Then, let's go." I said.

"Wait, about YoonHyun?" Tiffany asked.

"Oh, i don't know." I said.

[ At YoonHyun ]

Seohyun's POV

W-What do i do??

"Unnie stop crying. It hurts to see you like this." I said.

"Seohyun... I can't handle it." Yoona-unnie said. Where are the other unnies when i need them?!

"Please stop." I said and kissed her forehead.

"I c-can't." Yoona-unnie mumbled. I hugged her tighter to avoid myself to cry too. Everytime i see Yoona-unnie cry, i cry too.

"Unnie stop you're making me cry too." I said.

"I just love you so much it hurts." Yoona-unnie said.

"I know that. I love you too, unnie but we need some space now." I said. It's true. I really love her but i really think we need space.

"What d-do you mean?" Yoona-unnie asked.

"It's a long story, unnie. I can't explain. But i can say is that i love you as much as you love me." I said.

"Really?" Yoona-unnie asked.

"Yes." I said with a small smile.

"I see." Yoona-unnie said as i wipe her tears away. I leaned in and kissed her lips passionately.

[ Back At The... Cabin? ]

No One's POV

"WE'RE HERE!!" Taeyeon yelled while kicking the door open.

"We're here." Tiffany said and sat on the floor, taking her bag down. Taeyeon closed the door and sat beside Sooyoung.

"YoonHyun are still not here. I hope they're okay." Sunny said.

"Don't worry, Sunny-bunny! They're alright. Besides, they can take care of theirselves since they're already matured." Sooyoung said.

'I got a new nickname again huh?' Sunny thought.

"Yul, text Yoong." Jessica said.

"Yoona's phone is on silent, Sica. Seohyun's phone is on silent too." Yuri said.

"Damn! Maybe they got lost?" Tiffany asked.

"In love? Yeah." Taeyeon said.

"NO! In this semi-high ass mountain." Tiffany said.

"Maybe they did." Jessica said.

"Nope. You guys worry too much." Yuri said.

"Who wouldn't worry about those young dramatic couple?" Sunny asked.

"ME!" Tiffany yelled.

[ Back At YoonHyun ]

Yoona has no idea what's happening and what the heck she's doing with Seohyun right now. They're kissing! Kissing slowly but gently! So cute to be in fact.

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