Chapter 20: Finally Together

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Taeyeon's POV

"What?! Seohyun has a fever?!" Tiffany yelled.

"Yeah, but Yoona took her to the clinic." Jessica said.

"I heard them arguing earlier." I said.

"What did they say?!" Everyone yelled.

"*Sigh* Fine, i'll tell you." I said and told them the story whatevs.

"WHOA." Was the only thing that everyone said.

"Okay, class, LISTEN UP!!" Our teacher yelled. We turned our attention to him and raised an eyebrow.

"You do remember our trip to Kyoto, Japan next month, right? You did also heard that it's only gonna be a one week trip right?" He asked.

"Yeah. So? Is it gonna be extended?" Jonghyun, one of Taemin's friends asked.

"No. Instead of being extended, it will be...lessened? I don't know. But it's only gonna be a five day trip." He said.

"You have got to be kidding!!" Everyone yelled excluding me. I was actually relieved that we're only gonna be there in a short amount of time.

"Nope." He said.

"Aw, man! I really want it to be a one week trip! Damn." Yuri said.

"Be quiet, Yul." Jessica said.

"Sorry." Yuri said.

"Now, as for our lesson..." I didn't paid attention to the teacher but instead... I got my attention on Tiffany.

'I wonder why a dream like last night came into me...' I thought.

"Taeyeon, why are you staring at me?" Tiffany asked which snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about something." I said.

"Oh, okay." Tiffany said. Then, i suddenly remembered that i gotta check up on Seohyun and Yoona. OMG! I quickly raised my hand and the teacher looked at me.

"May i go out?" I asked.

"Sure, Ms. Kim. Don't take too long or else--"

"I'll be in a detention. Yeah, i know." I cutted him off and fast-walked to the clinic and saw Yoona and Seohyun sleeping.

"Awwww." I mumbled and stared at them. Have they even made up?

"T-Taeyeon-unnie?" Yoona woked up.

"Oh, i'm sorry. Did i woked you up?" I asked.

"No. What are you doing here?" Yoona asked.

"I came to check on Seohyun of course. How is she anyway?" I asked.

"Well, she has a fever. I think she's even traumatized." Yoona said.

"Huh?" I asked.

"You know that nightmare of Seohyun that i was talking about? She remembered that and kinda freaked out." Yoona said.

"Ah, i see. She just doesn't wanna lose you and doesn't wanna lay you on the hands of a wrong person who will break your heart when they finally realized that they've played enough." I said.

"Oh... I see. Who is this wrong person?" Yoona asked.

"Dunno. You'll know it someday." I said. Actually, it's obviously Taecyeon.

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