Chapter 38: Sulli's Confession

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[ 2 Days Later ]

No One's POV

Everyone came back after the fieldtrip. Taeyeon still hadn't forgotten what happened back at the cave and the forest. Carlie also hadn't forgotten what happened. Right now, they're currently at their own houses.

[ At TaeNy ]

Taeyeon and Tiffany were sitting on Taeyeon's couch while watching tv. Tiffany had her arms wrapped around Taeyeon's waist while Taeyeon's arm is around Tiffany's shoulder. Both were quiet and were absorbed in the show in tv.

"Tae?" Tiffany cutted off the silence.

"Yes?" Taeyeon asked.

"Are you okay?" Tiffany asked.

"Of cours-- No." Taeyeon said.

"I... I see. Is there something that i should do to make you happy?" Tiffany asked. Taeyeon smirked and turned off the tv before turning to her curious soon-to-be girlfriend.

"I just need your lips... And your answer tommorow." Taeyeon said. Tiffany understood the lips part but not the answer part.

"What?" Tiffany asked.

'Oh, so dense.' Taeyeon said and pecked Tiffany's lips.

"Nothing." Taeyeon said and fully kissed Tiffany's lips.

[ At YoonSeoYulSic ]

Yoona, Seohyun, Yuri, and Jessica were just silently eating while watching a movie. A scary one.

"Guys, do think Taeyeon-unnie is alright?" Yoona asked.

"I don't think so. Later that night, she was crying hard." Yuri said.


All of them walked back at the house and the blood on Taeyeon's shirt was noticed by almost everyone.

"Taeyeon! What happened?" Bora asked.

"Nothing." Taeyeon said and walked straightly to her room.

"Did something happened?" Hyolyn asked.

"Long story short; Taeyeon-unnie killed a bear." Luna said.

"She was really scary." Chanyeol added.

"She killed a bear? By what?" Dasom asked.

"A big sharp twig." Tiffany said and looked at her hands.

'Her hands were cold and trembling at that time.' Tiffany thought. Jane glanced at Carlie who has her head low.

'Carlie...' Jane thought and held the shorter girl's hand.

"Taeyeon looked like she cried." Bora said.

"She did." Yuri said. Tiffany is the only one who's hearing Taeyeon's sobs in their room but Tiffany decided to not go to Taeyeon because Taeyeon needs her own time alone.

*End Of Flashback*

"Who told you that?" Jessica asked.

"Tiffany." Yuri said.

"Aren't those two supposed to be together by now?" Seohyun asked.

"Hahaha, you're rushing things, Seobaby." Yoona said.

"I'm serious. If they love each other, they should be together nowp or else someone will get in the wya of their love like last time at what happened to us, Yoong." Seohyun said.

"You haven't forgotten about that kiss, Seohyun?" Yuri asked.

"Of course not." Seohyun said.

'She's scary.' Yoona thought.

[ At SooSun ]

The height couple were just asleep nothing special.

[ At HyoKai ]

The two were also asleep, but they are cuddling each other.

[ At LunBer ]

These two are kissing of course ^_^

[ At KhunToria ]

Nichkhun finally found the one for him. He just realized that it wasn't Tiffany and it was actually Victoria. They are currently at the mall, having their first date together ^_^

[ At JungLi ]

Sulli is officially gonna confess to her. She got Jessica's 'yes' and now it's Krystal's turn.

'I'm freaking nervous.' Sulli thought and knocked on Krystal's door.

"Wait!" Krystal yelled and opened the door.

"Oh, hi Sulli. Come in." Krystal said and Sulli walked in the house.

"What brings you here?" Krystal asked.

"I... I just wanna visit you." Sulli said.

"Is something wrong with you?" Krystal asked.

"What? No. Nothing's wrong." Sulli said. Krystal held Sulli's hands and looked deeply at Sulli's eyes.

"I know there's something wrong." Krystal said.

"Fine. There is. I'm so so nervous." Sulli said.

"On what?" Krystal asked. Sulli smiled and kissed Krystal's lips. Krystal was shocked. She wasn't expecting Sulli to kiss her. Sulli leaned away and pressed her forehead against Krystal's.

"Krystal, i love you. Will you... Will you be my girlfriend?" Sulli asked while blushing deeply. There was moemnt of silence until Krystal hugged Sulli.

"Yes, i will. I love you too, Sulli." Krystal said. Sulli smiled and hugged Krystal too before kissing Krystal again. Awww~!!

[ Back At YoonSeoYulSic ]

"I bet Krystal answered 'yes' at Sulli's question." Jessica said with a small smirk.

"Sulli confessed? Sulli asked Krystal is she would be her girlfriend?" Yuri asked. Jessica nodded and leaned her head on Yuri's shoulder.

"She did. And i'm sure Sulli's the right one for Krystal. Sulli promised me that she'll love Krystal truly and she will never let go of Krystal. That's how she got my approval of getting Krystal her girlfriend. Her first love." Jessica said.

"Awwww~!!" Everyone cooed.

'Sulli, i'm trusting Krystal to you.' Jessica thought.

[ Back At TaeNy ]

Tiffany was asleep while Taeyeon is awake.

'I bet Sulli confessed to Krystal.' Taeyeon thought. Taeyeon looked at Tiffany and sighed.

'Should i confess too? I had been making her wait for too long already...' Taeyeon thought. Taeyeon smiled and leaned her head on Tiffany's head.

'Yes, i should. I should do it tommorow night by also getting the other girls' help.' Taeyeon thought.

"Tiffany, i love you." Taeyeon whispered and kissed Tiffany's head before falling asleep.

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