Chapter 9: Jessica and Tiffany's Relationship

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Author's Note: Jessica is the one on the left and Tiffany is the one on the right. And this is the starting of first era! YulSic!! Yuri and Jessica!

Tiffany's POV

I walked to the unused classroom and yelled in frustration. I have never been this angry before since i met...her.

"ARRGH." I growled and kicked down a chair.

"What the-- Tiffany?" A familiar boy asked.

"Oh, Nichkhun." I said.

"Why are you so angry? Did something happened?" He asked.

"Yes, something did happened but i dont feel like telling 'cause it's not revelant right now." I said.

"Okay, then. Just tell me everything if something happens again, okay?" He asked. I nodded and he walked out of the room.

I cant believe i just fought the school hearttrob (they always say that) Baekhyun. Doesn't he know the word 'be careful'?! He just pushed me away from Taeyeon like i was gonna rape her!! I swear my bad side is coming out, i just feel it. What happened earlier reminds of what me and her fought about.

"Tiffany? How did you know this place?" I heard Jessica's voice. I stayed silent and shrugged.

"Im here to make you calm and settle some things." She said and sat beside me. I faced her and raised an eyebrow.

"First, you need to apologize to Baekhyun." She said. Is she insane or what?

"Uhm, he was the one who pushed me off of Taeyeon really hard and the one who made me crazy angry and i have to apologize to him??" I asked, raising my voice a little.

"Well, you did made him angry too." She said.

"What a stupid reason you have." I said.

"Wow, i never thought you have a bad side, Miyoung." She said while smirking. One certain person calls me with that name and it's...her.

"Shut up. Dont ever call me by that name again, Sooyeon." I said while smirking as well.

"So, you're still angry about that, huh?" She asked. The her i was talking about is none other than Jessica.

"A little bit. What about you?" I asked.

"I have but when you said that promises are made to be broken, it came back to me." She said.

"What did?" I asked, a little bit panicking.

"That feeling." She said and held my hand. I brushed her hand off and slightly glared at her.

"You have Yuri, Jess." I said.

"I know. But i cant stop the feeling of loving you again." She said and cupped my cheek. What's wrong with her?

"Jessica, what's wrong with you?" I asked while putting down her hand.

"Nothing's wrong with me. As i said, those feelings came back to me." She said.

"Tiffany? Jessica?" I heard Yuri's voice. Oh, trouble. And im still holding Jessica's hand! Damn.

"Yul..." Jessica mumbled.

"What is this? Do you guys have a thing or something?" Yuri asked.

"I-it's not like that." I said.

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