Chapter 5: Eye Smile

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A/N: See that picture? That's Tiffany with her signature smile! Her eye smile! Cute, right??

Tiffany's POV

"Ugh." I groaned while writing something that i cant tell you.

"Fany, we're at a restaurant, stop writing things." Sooyoung said. I closed my notebook.

"Sorry." I said and smiled at them. You know, eye smile.

"Will you stop eye smiling?" Taeyeon asked.

"I cant help it. It's my signature smile." I said.

"It is? How cute." Sunny said.

"Food's here. Be quiet." Jessica said. Sooyoung was the one who ate first.

"I think you meant this." Yoona said and wrote something on Seohyun's notebook. Is she her tutor? Again, i placed my eatphones on my ear and ate. Also, turning the volume almost in max.

Taeyeon's POV

"Good. She cant hear us anymore." Yuri said.

"What do you think of her eye smile, Tae?" Sunny asked.

"Her eye smile? It's cute and beautiful. I like it." I said.

"Ohhhh. I like her eye smile too." Seohyun said.

"It kills me! She's so cute." I added.

"Ooooh, Taeyeon's developing some feelings to Tiffany i see." Jessica teased.

"No, i wasn't! I was saying that her eye smile is cute." I said.

"Ohhh. We're getting the wrong idea, unnies." Seohyun said.

"I think so. TIFFANY!!" Sooyoung yelled at Tiffany. Tiffany removed her earphones and raised an eyebrow.

"Eat your food or i will take it." Sooyoung said.

"Just take it if you want. Im not hungry." Tiffany said. Sooyoung happily took the food.

"Anyways, i was wondering..." Yuri said.

"Wondering what?" Hyoyeon asked.

"Do you guys wanna go out to the mall tommorow?" Yuri asked.

"Of course." We said.

"Yay! We'll meet there at 8 in the morning." Yuri said.

"Im not even awake yet in that time." Jessica said.

"Then, i'll come to your house and wake you up." Yuri said.

"Fine, whatever." Jessica said.

Tiffany's POV

"Boy, you ain't cooler than me now~..." I quietly sang while the other girls are talking. (A: That's GG's new song, 'You Think'.)

"Tiffany-unnie!" Seohyun yelled. I looked at her and cocked up an eyebrow.

"Look." Seohyun pointed behind me. I looked behind me and saw a BUG!

"Kill it!" I yelled. Taeyeon immediately smacked it with her hand.

"Ewww." Taeyeon said in disgust and went to the washroom to wash her hand.

"That was gross. I didn't knew you hate bugs, Tiffany." Taeyeon said when she came back.

"......." I stayed silent.

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