Chapter 23: Sad Day

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[ The Next Day ]

Sooyoung's POV

I like Sunny?! WHAT?! No, Sooyoung. You can't! Sunny has a girlfriend!!

"What do you mean guys?! We broked our--"

"Yes, accept the cruel truth." Lay said cutting Kai.

"But... We can't dance anymore?" Kai asked.

"Yeah. Don't even think of pushing yourself, Kai." Hyolyn said. Kai just looked down. He looks likes he's in the brink of crying.

"Taeyeon, can i talk to you for a second?" I asked. She nodded and i dragged her outside.

"What's the deal?" Taeyeon asked.

"I... I think i like Sunny." I said.

"Serious?" Taeyeon asked. I nodded repeatedly.

"WHOA." Taeyeon said.

"Yes, it's soooooo unexpected." I said.

"But Sunny has a girlfriend, Soo. How will yoi get her to like you?" Taeyeon asked.

"That's the problem." I said.

"Seohyun, wait uuuuup!!" Yoona yelled while chasing after the annoyed Seohyun. I shooked my head and we followed after them.

They stopped at the entrance of the hospital because Yoona stopped Seohyun.

"Tell me what's the matter, Hyunnie." Yoona said. Seohyun walked away and Yoona followed her, so did we.

"What's their problem?" Taeyeon asked. I shrugged my shoulders and we kept following Yoona and Seohyun. Now, they stopped at the playground.

"Hyunnie!" Yoona yelled.

"What?!" Seohyun yelled after turning around. We hid at the lamp post and decided to eavesdrop.

"What's the matter? Why are you mad??" Yoona asked.

"I was calling you earlier but you completely ignored me while talking to Luhan! Do you like Luhan?" Seohyun yelled a little.

'Ooooh, Seohyun's jelly.' I thought.

"I don't like Luhan." Yoona said.

"Then why did you ignored me?! You acted like i wasn't even there! You acted like it's all you and Luhan on the room!" Seohyun yelled.

"B-Because..." Yoona stuttered.

"See? You don't even have a reason why you freaking ignored me. Geez, waste of time. Leave alone, would you? You like someone else, not me." Seohyun said and walked away before sitting under a tree, hugging her knees.

"That's not true, Seohyun." Yoona mumbled, she's in the brink of crying.

"Hmph. 'It's not true' my butt." I heard Seohyun mumbled.

"Yoong! What are you doing here?" I heard Taecyeon yelled. This guy!

"Soo?" I heard Sunny's voice. I turned around and raised ane eyebrow.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I went after you." Sunny said. I looked over at Taecyeon and Yoona, they were talking while Seohyun was just looking at them secretly.

"Sunny, let's go. Where's Taeyeon?" I asked.

"She went back to the hospital." Sunny said.

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