Chapter 34: Cheated

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A/N: Did you guys like the new cover??

[ 2 Hours Later ]

No One's POV

Taeyeon's class is getting on the bus but Taeyeon didn't saw Tiffany get on.

"Guys, where's Tiffany?" Taeyeon asked the Royal Couple who's in front of her.

"She said she'll go to the restroom for a second." Jessica said.

"And she's still not back." Yuri said.

"Really? That's bad. I'll look for her." Taeyeon said but someone grabbed her arm.

"I'm already right here." It was Tiffany.

"How did you--"

"You didn't even noticed me because you were worried weren't you?" Tiffany asked.

"Yes. I think i was too worried." Taeyeon mumbled which made Tiffany blush.

"Sica-yah!! Give me that!" Yuri yelled while trying to reach her phone from her violent girlfriend.

"Who are you texting?" Jessica asked.

"Minho!" Yuri yelled.

"Lee Minho or Choi Minho?" Jessica asked.

"Choi." Yuri said.

"And why?" Jessica asked.

"I have no one to talk to!" Yuri yelled. Jessica looked at Yuri in disbelief and gave her phone back.

"Go, talk to him." Jessica said with crossed arms.

'They'll be okay soon... Hopefully.' TaeNy thought with worried expressions.

'Jessica-unnie is jelly.' Yoona thought and leaned her head on the sleeping Seohyun's shoulder.

'Seohyun didn't get enough sleep last night because of the thunders so i'm not surprised seeing her asleep. She's so cute!' Yoona thought and carefully poked Seohyun's 'cute' nose.

Sooyoung and Sunny are also asleep while Kai and Hyoyeon are just talking. Taeyeon and Tiffany are also talking while laughing. Almost everyone is asleep. They didn't got enough sleep because of last night. Krystal is sitting with Sulli since Amber is not coming with them since she have something to do. Jane and Carlie are also asleep.

'I wonder what Amber is doing. She's not with someone is she? If she cheats on me, i'll kill her.' Krystal thought.

"Soojung-ah, why don't you text Amber-unnie?" Sulli asked.

"Good idea!" Krystal said and texted Amber BUT Amber doesn't reply, her phone is off.

"That girl better not be with someone." Krystal said and threw her phone away. Someone got hit and it was Jessica.

"Who threw that?!" Jessica yelled. Krystal raised her hand which made Jessixa raise an eyebrow.

"What? You?" Jessica asked and gave her sister's phone back.

"She's depressed because Amber-unnie isn't replying to her texts." Sulli said.

"Maybe Amber's with other people. Maybe Luna because Luna isn't here too." Jessica said while dark aura is surrounding her.

'Scary!' Sulli thought.

"I see. If they're onto something i'll swear i'll go insane." Krystal said while dark aura is also surrounding her. Sulli is now shivering when she realized how the JungSis can be so scary.

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