Chapter 22: The SooSun and HyoKai Problem

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A/N: Today's gonna be a double Era day! SooSun and HyoKai!!

Soyou's POV

"Soyou-ah!" I heard Sooyoung called me. I turned around and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, Sooyoung?" I asked.

"Since you're also observant, wanna spy on Sunny and Chorong?" Sooyoung asked.

"Are you crazy? That's more like stalking." I said.

"C'mon, please? I wanna see if Chorong is the really right girl for Sunny!" Sooyoung said.

"What if they catch us spying them or otherwise, stalking them?!" I yelled.

"They won't if we're sneaky enough." Sooyoung said. Shall i do it? I guess i have to choice.

"Fine. I'll be with you." I said.

"Yay! Thank you." Sooyoung said and hugged me.

"Get off me, Sooyoung!" I yelled.

Sunny's POV

Where's Sooyoung? I was planning on continue to teach her now but where the hell is she? I went to the cafeteria earlier but i didn't saw her there.

"Sunny-ah!" I heard Chorong's voice. I turned around and smiled.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Where are you going? I was gonna come at the library because Sooyoung told so." Chorong said.

"Oh... I see. Speaking of Sooyoung, did you saw her?" I asked.

"She was at the cafeteria a while ago but i swear i saw her with Soyou near the Science Lab. Is that called 'Science Lab'? I forgot." Chorong said while scratching her hair. Oh, she's just too cute!

"Yes, that's the Science Lab. Do you know what are they doing there?" I asked.

"They were talking when Sooyoung suddenly hugged Soyou. I don't know, maybe Sooyoung is just too happy about something." Chorong said.

'Sooyoung hugged Soyou? Wait, why do i feel jealous? Sooyoung doesn't like Soyou right? Geez... You don't have to be jealous, Sunny! You have a girlfriend. Be happy that your best friend is starting to like somebody.' I thought.

Seriously, i feel jealous. What the heck?!

"Sunny-ah, come with me." Chorong said and dragged me to the door of Science Lab.

"Oh, there they are." I mumbled.

"Sooyoung-ah!" Chorong yelled. Sooyoung and Soyou turned around to face us.

"Yes?" They asked.

"Sunny-ah was looking for you Sooyoung. She wanna continue to help you study for the Midterm Exams, right?" Chorong asked me. I nodded slowly.

"Oh, sorry for leaving you alone, Sunny-bunny." Sooyoung said. I blushed a bit but i hid it.

"Well, i gotta go to my friends, Sunny-ah. Bye! See you later." Chorong said and pecked my lips before walking away. And because of that little peck, my face becomes red.

"Wow!" Soyou yelled.

"S-Shut up." I said.

Sooyoung's POV

Hmph. That's PDA!!!

"Yah!" I heard Taeyeon's voice. She's with Tiffany today. Is there something wrong?

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