Chapter 13: Fixing The Broken Jessica and Breaking The Fixed Yuri

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Yuri's POV

W-Why would she say that right now?! S-She still loves me...

"Earth to Yul." Jessica said with a (-_-*) expression. Is she irritated again?

"Y-Yeah?" I asked.

"Minho is calling you outside." She said and turned away. I sighed in defeat and went to Minho who was outside with his fellow friends.

"Minho, you called?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah. So, uhm, sorry to brag, but we heard that you and Jessica were fighting over something. Can you tell us? It's okay if you don't want to tell it." Minho said.

"Nah, it's okay, i'll tell you." I said and told them the whole story.

"Oh." Was all then can say.

Jessica's POV

I sat on my seat when i turned away from Yuri who went to Minho. I stared blankly outside the window, actually, i'm looking at the flying birds in the sky.

"Baby, baby, baby~..." I sang quietly, as a tear fell from my eye. Why am i crying?

"Sica, why are you crying all of a sudden?" Tiffany asked.

"Nothing." I said and wiped away the tear.

"Come on, tell me." Tiffany said.

"Long story short; i miss...a certain someone." I said and looked down.

"Who is this someone?" Tiffany asked with a small smirk.

"Yul. I miss those times when we were together and such." I said.

"Oh, i see. I'm still curious though. Why can't you both be together again?" Tiffany asked.

"I don't know." I said and rested my head on my palms.

"Jess, everything happens for a reason. Now, tell me, why can't you two be together again and be happy?" Tiffany said.

"Because, i still have feelings for you left." I said.

"Then make them go away." Tiffany said.

"It's not that easy, Tiff." I said.

"Oh, geez." She mumbled.

Tiffany's POV

Yuri seemed to be fixed now. But... Jessica's still broken. OH!! I KNOW! I shall break the fixed Yuri and fix the broken Jessica!! YESSS!

"I think i know how to fix this." I mumbled and went to Taeyeon who was in her own world.

"Tae." I said. She snapped out of her trance and looked at me.

"Yes, Tiffany?" She asked. Did she cleary forgot what happened between me, her, and Baekhyun the day before yesterday?

"I know how to fix Yuri and Jessica." I said.

"You do? Tell me. I wanna help." She said. Ummm...

"Uh, i don't think you're into these things're gonna help me make Yuri jealous." I said.

"I can handle that." She said.

"Uhm, okay. I'll, uhm, kind of uh, seduce Jessica. Make sure Yuri gets to see me and Jessica." I said while sweating nervously. Taeyeon nodded and stood up before walking to Yuri who was outside, looking at her phone. I sat beside Jessica again and leaned my body close to hers.

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