Chapter 2: Like or Love?

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Taeyeon's POV

I may not look like it but girls are my type. I hate boys. They're just using girls for fun.

"Anybody home?" Yoona waved her hand on my face. I blinked in surprise and raised an eyebrow.

"You've been spacing out since the beggining of class. Is something wrong? Dont you like this school?" Seohyun asked.

"It's not like that." I said and stood up.

"Then, what?" They asked.

"It's nothing." I said and walked out of the room with them again.

"Come with us, again." Sooyoung dragged us to the attic again.

"I ain't gonna ditch 3rd period so if you're gonna say something say it already." Jessica said.

"Cold. Anyways, let's just ditch it!" Hyoyeon yelled.


"No buts, no cuts, no coconuts." Yoona cutted off Tiffany.

"Why am i with you? Wait, no. Why are we with you?" I asked.

"Because, you and Tiffany are our friends and OTP." Jessica said.

"OTP?" I asked. I remember that stands for One True Pair. Wait, WHAT?!

"Are you kidding me?" Tiffany asked.

"Yep." They said.

"Unnie." Seohyun tapped my shoulder. I turned to her.

"Girls are your type right?" She whispered. I nodded slowly.

"You should get Tiffany while you have the chance." She whispered again and sat beside Yoona. I was frozen and shocked.

"Of all girls why her?" I asked.

"What?" They asked.

"O-Oh. Nothing." I said.

"Take it easy, Yuri." Jessica said. What?? Is she blushing?! What the heck?! Then, Yuri whispered something to her that made her blush even more!

"What are they talking about?" Me and Tiffany asked.

"The dirty word 'S'." Hyoyeon said.

"W-WHAT?!" Me and Tiffany yelled.

"You both are gonna do it?" Yoona asked while covering Seohyun's eyes. I guess Seohyun's the youngest here.

"N-No. We're not." Jessica said.

"Yes. Later." Yuri said while smirking. What a pervert...

"Taeyeon-unnie! Make a move!" Seohyun suddenly yelled.

"Make a-- HELL NO!" I yelled.

"Just do it!" Seohyun yelled.

"I dont wanna." I said.

"Ooooh? Tae Tae has a crush?" Sunny nudged my shoulder.

"No." I said.

"Yeah, right." Seohyun said. Tiffany was silent and was blushing. I followed her gaze and saw Yuri holding Jessica's hand. I anime-fall (im not an Otaku ^^) And yelled, "What the heck are you both doing?!"

"Is this bad? We're just holding hands." Yuri said.

"Yeah, but-- Nevermind. It's your own choice anyways." I said. Yoona's hand wasn't on Seohyun's eyes anymore which made me panic.

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