Chapter 31: I Love You Too

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[ The Next Day ]

Tiffany's POV

I sleepily entered the classroom and sat on my seat. I HATE SATURDAY. We have some tests to check today. Why can't the teacher just do it one at a time than inviting his lazy students to do it?

"Are you all here?" Teacher asked.

"Yes." Everyone answered except me. I'm too sleepy.

"Jinki, pass out the papers." Teacher said.

'Where's Taeyeon? Is she absent?' I thought.

"Sir, sorry i'm late." Speaking of which, Taeyeon is here. She was late.

"That's okay. Sit." Teacher said. Taeyeon nodded and sat on her sest which was beside me.

"Tiffany, are you okay?" Sunny asked.

"NO! I haven't get enough sleep last night because i was cleaning my house and doing all the homeworks as fast as i can and now i'm here. I didn't even slept yet!" I said.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" The seven girls asked. I nodded slowly.

"You do know that it's Saturday today and Sunday tommorow so why did you did it now?" Jessica asked.

"Because i don't want something to get in the way in case we have plans this weekend." I said.

'I think i only drink coffee today. Excuse my careless personality.' I thought and sighed in defeat.

"Speaking of plans, we're gonna visit Kai and Hyoyeon today and they're gonna get discharged today too, how great is that?" Yuri asked.

"Really great." Taeyeon said.

"Tiffany-ssi, get out of my room." The teacher said.

"Why?" I asked.

"You have to clean the whole auditorium since you need to clean." The teacher said.

"You cannot be serious. Checking these is more better than cleaning." I said.

"Do it with your friends." The teacher said. I lazily stood up and the others too. I closed my eyes and started walking to the door, i bumped into someone and i saw it was Taeyeon.

"Why are your eyes closed?" Taeyeon asked.

"To prevent myself from sleeping." I said and walked past her.

"You really didn't slept at all?" Taeyeon asked.

"I slept but not much." I said and almost tripped.

'Why would i trip into a flat floor? Is it because i'm sleepy?' I thought and we entered the auditorium.

"WHOA. This is a MESS!! What did everyone did here?!" Sooyoung yelled.

"Everyone celebrated something here i'm sure." Sunny said.

"Guys, tommorow is the field trip right?" Yoona asked.

"Yes. I'm excited." Jessica said. I sat on a chair and closed my eyes. I felt someone close to my face so i opened my eyes and saw Taeyeon EXTREMELY close to my face.

"U-Ummm, Taeyeon?" I asked while blushing hard.

"Did you drink beer?" Taeyeon asked.

"Ummmm, i don't know. Yes." I said.

"Why?" Yuri asked.

"I don't know. I just dranked it." I said and pushed Taeyeon back slightly.

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