Chapter 41: Taeyeon's Confession (Last Part)

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Taeyeon's POV

"Ughhh~!" I groaned and leaned my head on Tiffany's shoulder.

"Is something wrong, Taeyeon?" Tiffany asked. I looked at her suspiciously and pouted.

"Why are you not calling me 'Tae' or 'Taetae' anymore??" I asked.

"Ahaha~! You're so cute!" Tiffany yelled and pinched my cheeks.

"Yah, lovebirds-unnies." Sulli and Krystal said.

"Yes?" Me and Tiffany asked.

"Let's go to the haunted house." Krystal said.

"Nope." Tiffany answered immediately.

"Oh, come on~!!" Krystal whined.

"Pffft." I scoffed and walked away with Tiffany. The others just winked at me, means it's time to confess.

"Where are we going, Tae?" Tiffany asked.

"Near forest. Where we can have our private time together." I said and we walked to the forest. It was dark. So dark.

"T-Tae, i'm scared." Tiffany said. I snapped my fingers and some lights lit up the area. It was still a bit dark but i still saw Tiffany's face. I leaned my forehead against her and smiled.

"Tiffany, i love you." I said. She blushed and smiled back.

"I love you too." Tiffany said.

"So w-will you be my g-girlfriend?" I stuttered and mentally face palmed myself.

"Hahahaha!! Of course i will~!!" Tiffany yelled and kissed my forehead.

"Yayy!!" I yelled and kissed Tiffany's lips.

[ Meanwhile At JungLi ]

Krystal's POV

Sulli was holding onto my hand tightly because she said, "There might be boys that could try to steal you away from me" and here we are.

"Sulli-yah, please let go." I said.

"Soojung-ah, i don't want to." Sulli said.

"Yah!" Jessica-unnie yelled and ran to us with Yuri-unnie.

"What?" We asked.

"Taeyeon and Tiffany are together." Yuri-unnie said excitedly. Me and Sulli cheered and jumped around.

"Let's call the others, and probably go to those newlyweds." Jessica-unnie said.

[ Back At The Forest ]

Me and the others entered the forest and saw TaeNy sitting on the ground while playing... Rock, Paper, Scissors. So childish but cute~!

"Congrats, noona/unnie~!!!" We all yelled.

"Oh, it was kinda nothin'!! I couldn't do this without you guys. Especially Krystal and Carlie. They planned all this." Taeyeon-unnie said.

"Your welcome!" Me and Carlie yelled and high fived.

"You guys are so cute~!!" Chanyeol said.

"Thank you." TaeNy said.

"So now, let's enjoy our time here." Hyoyeon-unnie said.

[ The Next Day ]

I woked up and saw the unfamiliar ceiling. I immediately got up and saw that we are in Taeyeon-unnie's house. Her living room was messy. So messy. What did we even did here? Oh... Party? Too much?

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