Chapter 27: Another Fight? TaeNy This Time?!

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Yoona's POV

I wish Seohyun will forgive me if i say sorry again. I want us to be together again. I want us to be one again. I don't wanna continue being myself again.

"Yoo.. Yoona-ssi?" I heard the voice that i wanted to hear the most.

"Seohyun?" I asked.

"What are you doing here alone at the rooftop?" Seohyun asked and sat beside me. She's just treating me like before we got together. Just a best friend.

"I'm killing time. Then, i'm gonna meet someone after school." I said.

"Who is this someone?" Seohyun asked.

"Taecyeon--" (Yoona)

"That guy ag--" (Seohyun)

"And Suzy." I continued.

"I see. Okay then." Seohyun said. My phone vibrated, means i have a text message.

'Why does Yuri-unnie wants to meet me at the gate after school? Wait, HIKING?! That's fun!' I thought.

"Who texted?" Seohyun asked.

"Yuri-unnie." I said.

[ After School (Hahaha, too fast timeskips) ]

I walked out of the room and walked to the gate. I saw the unnies and... Seohyun? What's she doing there?

"Oh, Yoong! You're here!" Jessica-unnie yelled.

"What's up? Nice to see you again. This is the second time we met today, Yoona-unnie." Seohyun said.

"Yeah. What's up today, Yul-unnie? I was going to meet Taecyeon and Suzy this time but you guys said we're gonna hike!" I yelled in happiness.

"Yes, we are gonna hike! Let's go to our places and change our clothes. Grab our things and meet at my place!" Taeyeon-unnie yelled.

"Wait it's 7:09 in the night. W-We're hike in the dark?!" Seohyun yelled.

"Of course we are." Everyone said.

"Let's visit Kai and Hyoyeon-unnie first before we go to our home." I said.

"Good idea. Let's go." Tiffany-unnie said and we walked to the hospital. It was just 13 minutes away from our school so we walked.

"I hope they're better." Seohyun mumbled but i heard it loud and clear. We entered Hyoyeon-unnie and Kai's room and saw that they're the only one there with Luhan, Sehun, and Chen.

"Hello guys! Where are the others?" I asked.

"Hiiii!! They went to the market to buy food and other stuffs while we stayed here to wait for them." Chen said.

"How are you guys?" Taeyeon asked.

"We're getting better and better day after day." Kai said.

"Glad to hear that, Kai." I said.

"OMG, YOONHYUN!! I HEARD YOU GUYS BROKED UP!!" Hyoyeon-unnie yelled which made me and Seohyun silent.

"Y-Yes. We did, unnie." Seohyun said. I looked down at my feet, avoiding to cry. I don't wanna look weak in front of Seohyun.

"Why is that?" Luhan asked.

"Because of you and Taecyeon-hyung." Sehun said.

"Me?" Luhan asked.

"I heard the rumour earlier at the school, Yoona-noona." Sehun said.

"R-Really? I see." I sobbed. DAMN.

"Yoong..." Everyone said.

"Unnie, don't cry." Seohyun said.

"I just can't handle it, Seohyun." I said and wiped away my tears.

"I broked up with you because it's my own opinion. But if you're thinking that we're still together, i'll let you have your own world that you have but don't expect that... That i'll... I'll... I'll... I will get back together with you when you're secretly together with Taecyeon-oppa." Seohyun sadly said. How did she knew?!

"So it is true after all." Taeyeon-unnie said.

"Look, Seohyun, i do love you! But i don't know what has gotten into me and answered Taecyeon-oppa. But... I broked with him after you broked up with me so basically means i don't have anyone anymore. Got that? I don't have anyone except thr cruel reality and my idiotic self." I said.

No One's POV

'Why does every fight have to be the cause because of this hospital and hospital room?!' Tiffany thought.

"Guys, stop." Sunny said.

"Yoong, don't say that you don't have anyone. You have us. All of us." Sooyoung said. Yoona ignore her and walked out of the room.

"We gotta fix this shit guys." Jessica said. Sunny and Sooyoung walked out of the room and chased after Yoona.

"Yoona." Sunny said and stopped Yoona.

"Unnie!" Seohyun yelled while walking towards Yoona and the other two.

"What do you three want?" Yoona asked.

"Where are you going?" Sooyoung asked.

'I gotta fix this witht the others.' Taeyeon said.

"Taeyeon-ah, don't chase after them." Tiffany said.

"What do you mean, Fany-ah?" Taeyeon asked.

"Just don't. Let Sooyoung and Sunny fix them both." Tiffany said.

"What do you mean?! Yoona and Seohyun are special to me even if i just met them! Are you saying that i just leave them alone and let them fix their own problem?!" Taeyeon angrily asked.

"No! That's not what i mean, Tae!" Tiffany yelled back.

"TaeNy, st--"

"Don't interfere." Taeyeon cutted off Hyoyeon.

"Look, stop them if you want! I don't care! Don't ask for MY help if you got into their problem too." Tiffany said.

"When did i ever needed your help? I can do things on my own." Taeyeon said.

'Shit. Me and my big freaking mouth! What did i just said?!' Taeyeon thought.

"I see then. You're treating me like i'm nothing to you now? So that's how it is." Tiffany said.

"N-No. T-That's not what i meant, Fany-ah. It... It just came out. I'm sorry." Taeyeon said.

"I don't need your apology like you don't need my help." Tiffany said and walked out of the room.

'I never seen Tiffany like THIS.' Everyone thought.

A/N: Okay!! Sorry for the short chapter! But at least i had two updates in one day for this book! Thanks for reading! Please vote for more epic moments of our girls!

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