Chapter 8: Jealous Baekhyun and Angered Tiffany

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Tiffany's POV

Omg, Taeyeon's coming here. It's lunch time and yes, our teacher gave us punishment. Later after school, we will clean the girls bathroom as our punishment.

"UGH, i hate cleaning." Taeyeon said after sitting beside me.

"Let's not procastinate." Sooyoung said.

"Okay, then." Yuri said.

"Hey, Tiff, can you go with me for a minute? I wanna ask you something in private." Sunny said and winked. What's she planning?

"Okay." I said and walked out of the cafeteria.

"Tiff, do you really like Taeyeon?" She asked.

"Yeah. Wait, no. I dont know." I said while scratching my hair.

"Whoa. Love sure is confusing. Anyways, if you wanna have Taeyeon get her. That Baekhyun guy is starting to make fall for him. Look." Sunny pointed behind me. I looked behind me in the corner of my eyes and saw Baekhyun talking to his pals.

"Uhhh, what?" I asked.

"They're probably talking about Taeyeon right now." Sunny said.

"You think so? Baekhyun is more compatible to Taeyeon and plus, we're both girls. She cant fall inlove with me." I said.

"Well, if you make her fall for you, she will." Sunny said.

"That's right." Yuri and Jessica popped out of nowhere.

"What?" I asked.

"Make her fall for you. It's easy. I did that to Jessica one time." Yuri said.

"Well, you're the one who did it. It's easier said than done." I said.

"Just have confidence and dont give up. Dont be scared to be rejected." Jessica said.

"I know but--"

"Taeyeon and the others are coming here, dont speak." Sunny whispered. I stayed silent and thought about what to do.

'Should i change myself? Wait, no. My personality? No. Do i need to change EVERYTHING?! YES.' I thought.

"Guys. School ended. Let's clean the girls bathroom." Seohyun said. We nodded and went to the girls bathroom. The smell kills me.

"Guys, why aren't the other girls who comes here dont clean the place?! The smell kills me!" Taeyeon yelled.

"Dunno." Everyone said. I took the mop and tied up my hair into a ponytail.

"Let's go." I said. They nodded and Jessica came beside me.

"You do know that you need to change yourself right?" Jessica whispered. I nodded.

"Come to my house later." Jessica said. I nodded again and we all started cleaning.

Taeyeon's POV

I wonder what Jessica whispered to Tiffany.

"Taeyeon, watch where you're going." Tiffany said when i bumped into her back. Did she just said that in a cold way?!

'Jessica has got to be behind this.' I thought.

"Okay. Sorry." I said and wiped the mirror. I saw Tiffany with a smile on her face while looking at me but it quickly disappeared as i layed my eyes on her. Jessica, you're dead.

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