Chapter 8

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Toby's POV:

I drop everything in my hands and run to the bloody and unconscious Spencer. I immediately check for a pulse and she's alive but barely. I try to wake her up but she's not responding so I reach for the phone in the room, still holding Spencer in my arms and call the front desk and tell them to get an ambulance A.S.A.P. Luckily our hotel is near everything so in about five minutes there are paramedics in the room taking Spencer from me and police asking me what happened. I told them that I walked in and found her like that. Now I see the other girls in the doorway I quickly explain to them what happened before I get in the ambulance with Spencer.

When we get to the hospital they take Spence into immediate surgery.

A few hours later a doctor comes out and starts to walk towards me and the girls. I stand up and ask "is Spencer okay?" "Are you family?" He asks, I barely hesitate before I say "yes, I'm her fiancé" he looks skeptical but says "she just came out of surgery and is stable but not awake. Did you know that she was stabbed five times?" "What?" Aria, Emily, Hanna, and I say at the same time, horrified. "Yes, she was stabbed five times" "Oh my God," I whisper to myself "can we see her?" I ask, "only immediate family" "I'm as immediate as it gets, so can I see her?" "Yes." As I break into a full out run I hear him yell "she's in room 214." I walk into her room and see her lying there still bloody and bruised. I pull the chair from by the window to right next to her bed. I hold her hand and start to cry. "Spence," I start "you need to wake up. You need to come back to me okay? You can't leave me. I love you too much to lose you, it would kill me too, so if you don't want me to die then you can't either, okay? You have to come back to me." I start to cry even harder and eventually fall asleep still holding her hand.

A Summer in Paris: a Spoby storyWhere stories live. Discover now