Chapter 17

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Toby's POV:

I wake up to Spencer shaking and screaming. Ever since see woke up from her coma she has been having flashback dreams of what happened. We are still on the couch from watching tv last night. I shake her awake and say "Spencer, your okay it was just a bad dream." She opens her eyes, jumps up into a sitting position, and looks around with scared expression on her face. When she realizes that she is safe and that I'm sitting right next to her she starts crying. I grab her and pull her close to me. "Do you want me to get you some water or something?" She nods her head. I grab the blanket that is now on the floor and wrap it around her. Then I get up and walk to the mini fridge in our room. I grab a water and head back to the couch. "Do you want to go lay down in the bed?" I say handing her the bottle and sitting back down next to her. I see her eyes flicker to the bedroom and they have a quick scared expression in them, but then as quickly as it came it was gone. "No, I just want to stay out here." She states with a wobbly voice. I feel really stupid that I didn't see it before... Spencer is scared to go into the bedroom because that's where she almost died. "Do you want to watch Gilmore Girls again?" I try. She laughs through the tears and nods her head again. I glance down at my watch. It reads 2:30AM. I need to find a way for Spencer to be able to sleep again.

The next time I wake up its 11:30AM and Spencer isn't in sight. Where is she? "Spencer?" I yell. No answer. I walk into the knock on the bathroom door, no answer. I walk into the bedroom and look around, no Spencer. I'm starting to get worried. I grab my cell and call her, no answer. Now I'm really worried. I call Emily. "Hello?" "Hey Em, have you heard or seen Spencer?" "Um... no I haven't, why isn't she with you?" "I don't know I just woke up and she wasn't here. So, if you see her tell her to call me right away okay." "Okay I will," I'm about to hang up when she adds, "Toby I'm sure she is fine." "Thanks bye Em." "Bye." I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth. Then I throw on my jeans, grab my jacket and phone, and head out the door to go look for Spencer.

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