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Spencer's POV:

*a year later/ the next summer*

Today is my wedding day. Today I get married to the love of my life. Today is the day I become Mrs. Spencer Cavanaugh. I'm so excited, but I'm also really nervous. "Spence just take a deep breath and you will be fine." Hanna tries to comfort. I step in to my dress and Aria zips it up for me. I look into the mirror and almost instantly feel nauseous. Obviously I've looked in the mirror wearing this dress before or else I wouldn't have picked it. It's perfect. It has white flowers on it and a strapless heart front. It has a V back and buttons running all the way down the back. It has short lace sleeves with white flowers on them and it fits me like a glove. Like I said, it's perfect. "I can't." I tell all of the girls. "You can't what?" They ask their faces full of concern. "This." I say waving my hands around the room and my dress. "I'm 19. I'm not even half way through college. I can't be getting married." I say in a rush before I start to hyperventilate. "Calm down everything will be okay. Here sit." Emily says setting a chair down next to me. I do as she says and sit. "I- I need to see Toby." I stutter still breathing hard. Well I'm not breathing hard, I'm breathing as if I just ran a marathon in three minutes. "Spence you can't it's bad luck." Aria says. "Fine hand me my phone." I yell. "I don't think-" she starts, but stops when I glare at her as a warning. She hands me my phone from the table. "Sorry." She says. I dial Toby's number hopefully he picks up. "Spencer? What wrong?" He asks his voice laced with concern. "Nothing. I just needed to hear your voice. I love you." I say sighing in relief. "I love you too. Are you sure you are alright?" "Yeah. I'm all good now." "Okay see you soon." "I'll be the one in white." I joke. "Sounds good to me. Love you." He laughs. "Love you too." I tell him and then hang up the phone. "Okay sorry guys. Freakout over." I tell them. "Okay well Toby is just about to walk out." Emily tells me. Soon I'm standing next to my dad outside the church door. "Whatever you do don't let me fall." I say. "I wouldn't dare." He chuckles. "I love you daddy." I say a tear escaping from my eye. "I love you too baby girl." He says wiping the tear away and kissing my forehead. I hear the wedding march start to play. "Ready?" He asks. I nod. As soon as I see Toby I will be. The doors open and we start to walk. I breathe a sigh of relieve when I see Toby. We get to Toby and my dad tells me he loves me again and kisses my cheek. I never thought I would see my dad cry, especially over me, but he did. I stand next to Toby and the ceremony begins. When we get to the vows I start crying. Toby starts. "Spencer. I love you. I love you more than anything or anyone in this world. You have always been there for me and you've never given up on me. I want to be there for you through everything. I want you to be my future. Spence. I promise to be the best husband I can possibly be. I promise to be the best father to our kids that that I can be. Most importantly, I promise you that I will never stop loving you." By the end my eyes are like waterfalls. He lets go of one of my hands and wipes my tears with his thumb and then returns his hand to mine. "Toby. We have been through so much together. We have been through more things imaginable and you've never left my side even though most guys would have been gone as fast as they could. I really don't know why you love me, but thank you because you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You put up with me and my mood swings. You put up everything I can possibly throw at you. You've broken down every wall that I put up to protect myself. You have my heart. You told me you wouldn't break me and you haven't. You protect me from anyone that hurts me, including myself. I promise you that I will be the best wife I can be. I promise I will be the best mother to our children." I giggle through my tears that have started falling again. "You took my last line." Everyone in the church lets out chuckles. "Most importantly I promise to never stop loving you." Then the priest say some more things but all I'm focused on is Toby. I'm getting lost in his crystal blue eyes. "You may now kiss your bride." Is the next thing I here. Toby smiles down at me and then leans in. We kiss and it's one of the most magical kisses we've ever shared. It's like in Twilight at Edward and Bella's wedding, everything and everyone just disappears. Like its only us. Too soon for my liking we pull away and walk down the aisle hand and hand smiling like fools.

*at the reception*

I'm really excited because Toby and I are about to have our first dance and I picked our song. The DJ announces us and then If I didn't Have You by Thomson Square starts to play. It's the perfect song for us. If I didn't have him I wouldn't be alive right now. As we dance I stare into his perfect sparkling eyes and know that I made the right choice to marry this man. He is the love of my life and nothing will ever change how I feel about him.
Author's Note:
The sequel will be called Forever Safe In Your Arms. I'm SO SORRY it took me so long to write this. I got really busy and was trying to think of how to end this. For all of you who stuck with me from the beginning until the end thank you. For all of you that started to read later thank you. I love you all and I'm so glad that you liked my story enough to stick with me this long. Watch out for the sequel!

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