Chapter 7

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Toby's POV:

Spencer and the other girls told us that they needed girl time so I went with Caleb to a movie, we didn't think about that we would't be able to understand most of it being in french and all, but we still watched it to kill time. After the movie we grabbed some food and split up after that. I had nothing to do so I decided to go back to the hotel, grab my laptop, and head to the cafe Spencer took me to yesterday. On my way I notice a flower shop. I stop in and buy a dozen roses for her. I sat down, bought a coffee, and get online. After playing a couple games, I start looking for jobs, Paris is an expensive city and we are here all summer so I'm gonna need a job. I fill out a few applications then I start looking at apartments because I remember Spencer saying she wanted to live here someday, wow are they expensive in the city! I just now notice that it's getting dark out. I check the time and it's 8:45 already. I gather up my laptop, my phone, and Spencer's flowers and pay. I start to walk back to the hotel when I see a book store. I immediately think of Spencer, stop in and start looking. I find The Notebook and The Catcher in the Rye. I look at the time again and it's 9:50 I quickly buy the books and walk back to the hotel which is luckily only a block away. When I get to the door I don't hear anything which is weird because Spencer should be back by now so I open the door with caution. I hear the tv in the bedroom on so I set my laptop and phone down, hold the flowers and the books in my hands and walk into the room. I suddenly can't breath. I drop everything in my hands at the sight.

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