Chapter 2

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After Zed left I stood outside for a couple of minutes to get myself together.When I opened my front doors I saw my mother sitting on the couch. I walked inside and she noticed me, her smile grew big on her face like a little kid who just got a candy.

"I have a surprise for you honey. I know that Sarah's birthday is tomorrow so I got something for both of you. " She said happily.

" Okay, tell me more mom." I smiled. She looked at me closer and her smile disappeared.

" Ashley is there something wrong? Have you been crying? " She asked.

" No. No mom. Don't worry, everything is okay. " I smiled a fake smile. " better tell me what were you talking about. " I jumped up and down excited.

Mom: " I was talking to Selena this morning and she wants to meet up with you. As you may know, Selena is having a show tomorrow. I know how much you miss each other so I got you two tickets and backstage passes to her show tomorrow. She can't wait to see you both. " She smiled happily. I gave my mother a big hug. I was shocked, I couldn't breathe for a second.

" You are the best mom in the world. I love you so much. " I finally spoke.

" I love you too honey. Now go do your homework because Selena already planned all your weekend for you guys." She laughed. I looked at her shocked and she nodded. 

As I walked upstairs I stopped for a minute to look at my mother as she slowly walked to the kitchen. She looked so weak. Deep down I know, that there isn't much time left, that there isn't next month. Her life is slowly slipping through my arms, and the fact that I can't do anything about it slowly kills me. I need to be here, I need to do everything for her. That's the only way I can help. Every night I'm scared of losing her. Thinking about what would happen if the next morning when I woke up she wouldn't be there for me. I want to be there when she has to leave. To hold her, to let her know how much I love her. 

I let those thoughts slip away from my head and walked to my room. I saw my laptop and decided to check my Twitter. When I opened my page, as always,there was some notifications about me being with Zed. Kids from school always say something stupid about me.

 I scrolled through my notifications till I saw Selena's tweet

* @selenagomez can't wait to see my baby sister @AshGHam tomorrow. I love you..

I smiled and replied * 

@AshGHam @selenagomez I love you too. Excited.* People re-tweeted my tweet seconds later. I started to get more and more followers.

I closed my laptop and did my homework. It took me more than one hour till I finally walked downstairs. I saw some luggage standing at the front door and I wanted to know what's going on so I walked to the kitchen. I saw mom sitting on a chair going through some papers.

" Mom, why there's suitcases in the living room? What's going on?"

" Ohh honey, I'm so sorry but I have to leave for New York tonight for a week. I just found out. I have some business to do." She said worried.

" New York? You can't leave. It's too far away mom. What happens if something goes wrong with your health condition? It's too dangerous!"

" I'm okay Ash..anyway my doctor is coming with me so you have nothing to worry about. Ohh and I called Zed. He should be here any minute." She said calmly. I couldn't believe what I just heard.

 " What? Why did you called him? " I started to panic.

" Cuz I thought that you want to spend some time together. And he can take care of you. I trust him, and I think that he's a good boy. " She smiled.

" You have no idea mom." I said showing her a fake smile. Suddenly there was a light knock at the door and my mom opened them. There he was, smiling like an idiot looking as fake as ever. He hugged my mom and came up to me giving me a kiss on the cheek.

" Okay guys it's time for me to leave. Be safe and Zed, take care of my daughter till am gone. " She laughed kissing my other cheek. We said our goodbyes and she left. There I am, alone with my abuse boyfriend. Zed looked at me and smiled.

"Hey baby, all alone tonight, aren't we? " he smirked. I wish that I could make him feel the way I do. Make him feel pain...

" Yeah, I guess. Do you want something to drink?" I asked trying to keep the conversation.

" No I'm fine." He said sitting on a couch. " How about a movie babe?" He asked looking at me.

I don't like watching movies with him. All we watch is some sick fighting movies. I have to watch them anyway, cuz if I don't, he would get mad.

 " umm sure. Witch one?" I ashed looking down.

" Come, sit next to me and I will choose." I did as he said and of course he picked * Never back down* movie. All the time he was shouting at the screen, anger filling his eyes, I was scared again.

 When the movie ended, he pushed me off of his lap and went outside for a fag. When he came back, I saw a beer can in his hand. He sat next to me and scanned my face.

" Tomorrow I'm taking you out. " He said suddenly. My eyes went big and my palms got sweaty, as I tried to swallow his words.

" Tomorrow I can't." I finally spoke. He looked at me surprised.

 " And why the fuck no? " He asked angrily.

 " Cuz tomorrow is Sarah's birthday and we have plans for the weekend." I answered quickly looking down. He lifted my head so now I was facing him. He started laughing.

 " For the weekend you say huh? Well, listen to me carefully. I don't give a shit about your plans or that bitch Sarah. Tomorrow I'm taking you out, got it?" He looked straight to my eyes.

" I'm sorry, but I can't." I whispered. Suddenly I felt myself hitting the ground as pain went through my whole body like sharp knifes in my back. 

He pulled me up by my hair and dragged me upstairs. I didn't protest cuz that would make everything even worse.He threw me into my bed and climbed on top of me. I felt his hot breath on my neck and I moved my head side to side. I knew exactly what he was about to do with me. He punched me, my lip started bleeding, I started to cry harder and harder with every punch he threw at me. He put his hand over my mouth so I wouldn't scream.

 "Shut the fuck up and give me what I want baby." He ripped my shirt off and took of my pants. I was only in my underwear. 

I tried to kick him but that made him even angrier than he already was. he took of my bra and panties, I started to scream but he punched me again. I saw him throwing his pants on the ground and next thing I know, he was inside of me. I have never felt that much pain before. This time was the worst of all. I think that this time he did everything to hurt me. For one hour he made me feel disgusted. As he finally finished his business he stood up and put his clothes back on.

 " Stay home tomorrow. If you're not here when I come back, I'll kill you. Got it?" All I did was a small node.

" Goodnight baby. I love you. Be good girl. I had fun tonight. I'll see you tomorrow." He kissed my forehead and left. There I was, laying in a bed, helpless, scared, tears running down my face..That's my life, once again my boyfriend raped me. I fell asleep crying my eyes out.

Zed's picture on top.

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