Chapter 8

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I could feel somebody is shaking me so I opened my eyes to see Selena and Sarah sitting on the floor beside my bed. I sat up and girls climbed into my bed. They both hugged me and I didn't understand what's going on till I finally realized, that Selena is leaving. I hugged back really tight as tears escaped my eyes. Selena sobbed in to my shoulder and soon Sarah did the same.

" I'm gonna miss you both so much. I know you Sarah just for a little bit , but it feels like a lifetime. And Ashley, ohh my God, I just want to stay." Selena cried.

" It's not like you are leaving for forever, we are going to be here when ever you need us. " Sarah said and I nodded. 

I couldn't speak. When we calmed down Selena looked at the window for a moment.

" Have you seen Justin since last night? I don't know where is he, he's not answering his phone. " She asked worried. I looked at Sarah and she shook her head- NO.

" Well, last night I couldn't sleep so I went to the living room and he was there. We talked about you for a couple of minutes and I thought that he was going to sleep. That's what he said, but probably he just left somewhere, I really don't know Sel. " I said looking at her.

" What did you talked about? I hope you didn't mention those things..." Selena asked worried.

" No, not at all. He just told me, how much he wants to go with you, that he feels like you're slipping through his fingers and something like that. He really loves you Selena." I looked at her sadly.

" I know, and that's why it's so hard to let him go. He means so much to me, but I can't live like this." She cried. Sarah was trying to calm her down.

" Okay girls, I should probably get ready, I'll be right out, give me a minute." They nodded and walked out.

 I couldn't believe that Justin actually left the house. He should be with Selena at this horrible time. I know that it hurts, but he's a men. I wonder where was he. Probably drinking all night, partying....

I dragged myself out of the bed and put my clothes on. I hate packing, it just makes me feel sad. I packed all my stuff and looked at the room one more time then walked out. I saw suitcases at the front door and my eyes started to get glossy.

Selena was looking out the window waiting for Justin probably to come back. I know, it was hard for her and there is nothing that I can do.

Suddenly I saw her running outside so I looked out the window. Justin was standing there, holding Selena in his hands and a small smile appeared on my face. If Selena is going to do it now, Justin will never be the same.
I sat down next to Sarah and hugged her.

" I'm so lucky that you are here. I love you Boo." I said. She smiled and hugged me back.

" I love you too babe. We should be lesbians." She laughed.

" Definitely. Fuck men." I agreed laughing.

I saw them coming inside, and I have to say..Justin looked terrible. Bags under his eyes, like he haven't slept for weeks. He didn't smile at all. That was something I have never seen these days. He was always smiling no matter what, but not today.

" It's time to go girls." Selena said and my heart suddenly felt like a rock. " I want you to come with me to the airport, can you?" She asked and we both nodded.

It was complete silence in the car. Justin was holding Selena's hand all the way to the airport. I just hope that Selena is going to change her mind.

Now it was time to say goodbye. We were standing in the airport, people looking at us. Paparazzi all around taking pictures but I didn't care. I wrapped my arms around her and cried my eyes out.

 " Be safe okay? Who ever you choose, think twice. I'm always here for you okay? Good luck love... I miss you already and promise me that we'll see each other soon, and don't forget about us." I whispered into her ear.

 She nodded and hugged Sarah. Now it was time for Justin so I turned around, I didn't want to see the pain. It was about 10 minutes till they pulled away from each other. I hugged her once more and then she left.

 " Okay girls, before I drop you off, I need to get something from my house, is that okay with you." Justin asked  looking at me with a little smile appearing on his lips.

" Yeah, no problem Justin." Sarah said happily and I nodded. We walked side by side to his car and paparazzi surrounded as from each side.

 " Now they gonna have something to talk about. I just dropped my girlfriend at the airport and now I'm leaving with two different ones." He laughed and Sarah joined in.

 He was trying to cheer up but anyway I could see through him. Sarah and I was about to sit on the back of his car  when suddenly Justin tapped my shoulder.

" I'm not gonna bite Ashley." He opened the passenger side doors for me. I looked at him and hopped in.

As we pulled out of the parking lot Justin turned the radio on. A random song started to play and of course Justin started to sing. He was singing in a girly voice and I couldn't hide my laughs. That's the Justin I like..wait what? No...That's the Justin I first met. That's what I wanted to say. I was looking out the window till I spotted a sign* Beverly Hills.* When I saw the first house, I was shocked. They all looked like a Castles..They all must be millionaires. Justin pulled up to a huge white gates. He entered something what looked like a code and the gates opened. When I saw his house, I almost blacked out. It was made of glass. Everywhere you

 " Maybe you want to come in girls? " He asked smiling.

" We are fine." I said looking at him. He nodded and walked towards his house.

" Am I fucking dreaming Ash? Is that really his house? " Sarah asked shocked.

" looks like it is Boo." I answered. After a couple of minutes Justin came running back, jumped in to the car and dropped a bag next to him.

 " Okay Sarah, tell me your address please." He said taking his phone out.

" Hell no, you are going to laugh about my house. I have nothing like this. " She said looking at the house again.

" Don't worry, I'm here just for a break, gonna find something better." I looked at him in disbelief. Isn't this good enough for him? He must be joking.

After about one hour of driving, we finally reached Sarah's house.

" Thanks Justin for the ride, and Ash, be ready at 7:30 tomorrow. Don't be late. Say hi to Naomi. " She said kissing my cheek. We said our goodbyes and she left. Justin looked at me smirking.

" School huh? " I nodded slowly. We talked about some stuff till he pulled up to my place. I looked at him and smiled.

" Thank you again for everything Justin. You helped me a lot." I said tapping his shoulder.

 " You just said that, like I will never see you again Ash. You're not gonna get away from me that easy. If you need me, I'm a phone call away from you okay?" He said smiling.

 He picked up the bag from under his seat and gave it to me. " I decided to give you something that will help us to be in touch. " He laughed. I opened the bag and my eyes almost exploded.

" Justin, I can't take it. It's too expensive. I just can't." I said looking down at the brand new iPhone 6+ ...

" Just take it. No excuse. I already have your number, and you got mine. Call me any time beautiful." He said and I felt myself blushing.

 I didn't know what to say. I just nodded and smiled. He hugged me and I did the same. He hopped out of the car and came to my side, opening doors for me. He helped me out and we walked to my front door.

" Soo, I'll see you later than okay?" He asked smiling at me.

" Definitely." I answered and he hugged me once again. Then suddenly I felt his lips on my cheek and I was shocked. My heart skipped a beat.

 " Bye Ashley." He said and walked to his car. I was speechless. I stood there, looking at him as he disappeared behind the corner...  

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