Chapter 7

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After we left that place, we were feeling hungry so we stopped at the McDonalds. This day was absolutely wonderful. Time was flying too fast. Selena is leaving tomorrow, so that means, I'm back at my house again. Sarah still felt horrible so she stayed in the car. It was only Selena and I.

I noticed something strange about her. She acted different than yesterday. It's like she left a peace of her on that hill.

" Are you feeling okay Sel? Did something happened?" I asked worried. She finally looked up at me and sighed.

" Have you ever felt like something is killing you from inside? " She asked and I looked at her confused. " I feel like everything I'm doing is wrong. I have my career, family, friends and a loving boyfriend, but I don't feel it. It's not enough. I've been thinking a lot lately. " She said looking out the window.

" What do you mean? Sel, please tell me. " I begged.

" What I meant is, that I don't know if I want this anymore. I want to be like you. Free. Free from everything..drama, stress, heartbreak.." she continued.

" Believe me, you want to be nothing like me. My life is a mess.." I said finally.

" How? What's wrong with your life?" She asked changing the subject.

And that was the moment I told her everything, and I mean everything. She was speechless. She couldn't believe what I just said. She came next to me and hugged me what felt like an hour. When she finally pulled back I smiled at her.

" How can you be so happy, when something so horrible has happened to you? How could he do something like that? You need to report him Ashley." She said quietly.

" I can't, and please don't do anything. I can't say anything cuz if I will, I'm gonna be in a real danger." She looked at me shocked.

" Now you know everything. Your life is much better. Justin is nothing like Zed. You should be happy. " I said holding back my tears.

Rest of the time we spent there, Selena talked about our childhood and it was nice to remember the old times.

When we finally finished our meals, we went back to Selena's house. Three cars were parked outside Selena's house and she groaned.

" That's what I'm talking about Ashley. He always brings his friends to my house and I hate them. They are so disrespectful, always talking shit. Probably drunk as always." Selena said angrily.

We stepped out of the car and walked inside. The house smelt horrible. We walked further and sure enough Justin and some other guys were playing video games and drinking alcohol. As soon as Justin noticed us, they got silent.

" Justin didn't I tell you not to do this in my house? You are fucking smoking weed in my living room.!" Selena yelled at him.

I didn't know what to do cuz Sarah walked to her room straight away. When I was about to walk away Selena stopped me by holding my hand.

" Baby I swear I wasn't. I haven't been even drinking. " He looked at her serious.

" What ever Justin, I'm not gonna clean this mess. " She said and started laughing. I was confused.

One moment she is so angry but then a loving girl again. We both sat down next to each other and decided to play as well. Actually i was having a lot of fun. Even Sarah came and joined in. Of the corner of my eye I could see, that Selena is in a deep thoughts. Something again was bothering her and I needed to find out. I passed my controller to Justin and took Selena's hand. We walked outside and Selena sat down on the stairs.

" I can see that something isn't right. So what's going on?" I asked looking down at her.

" it's just that I met a guy. He's been texting me nonstop and I can't stop thinking about him. He is so nice. But the problem is that I don't want to hurt Justin. I know that he loves me, and I still love him...but..I don't know. Everything has changed. I'm not happy with him anymore Ashley. I'm not the same person I was three years ago. I need to change something in my life and I think, that the best way to do it, it's leaving. What do you think?" She asked.

Me: " Ohh Sel. I have no idea. Justin loves you so much. But you can't hurt yourself either. Do what your heart wants. Don't listen to me, don't listen to anyone but yourself. It's a big decision. You have to do it yourself." She smiled and nodded.

" Thanks Ash. You are truly my best friend. " She stood up and hugged me.

After a couple of minutes we walked back inside and continued our game. All of sudden I heard someone's phone ringing. I guess it was Selena's phone cuz she was looking for it. When she answered, I could hear my mom's voice through the phone. I was really happy to hear her voice. After a couple of minutes Selena finished their conversation.

" Tomorrow Naomi is coming back." She smiled and I jumped up and down happily.

Justin looked at me with a confused look. I was so happy that I don't have to be at my house alone tomorrow. It was already midnight and everybody was leaving. Sarah went to bed about hour ago, and Justin's friends was about to leave as well.

I was sitting on a couch with Selena, talking about stuff till Justin came back.

" Soo...what you been talking about girls?" He asked sitting next to Selena.

Selena: " Nothing much. Just about tomorrow. As you may know, I'm leaving tomorrow and so does Ashley and Sarah. What you gonna do all alone?" She said laughing.

" I have no idea baby." He said looking at her whit those sad eyes.

I decided to leave them alone, so I walked to my bedroom.
I found my laptop and logged on Facebook. I saw pictures of me Sarah and Selena from today and I have to say, they were good. I spend some time checking my notifications till I got bored. I tried to sleep but couldn't, I was thinking about tomorrow. If Zed comes over to my place, I'm dead. I'm totally dead.

For about half an hour I looked at the ceilings till I finally decided to watch some TV. Quietly I walked to the living room and for my surprise Justin was still there. He noticed me and smiled. I plopped down on the couch next to him and exhaled loudly.

" Why are you still awake? Somethings wrong? " He asked looking at me.

" No, no. Everything is fine, just thinking about stuff." I answered. " What about you? "

" I just can't believe that she is leaving again. I wish that I could go with her, but I can't. I just got her back and I feel like she's slipping through my fingers once again. " He said and I could feel the pain he carried. Although I didn't say anything, cuz I'm not the love expert.

" Anyway, i heard that your mother is coming back tomorrow. Are you happy?" He changed the subject.

" I am actually. It feels like I haven't seen her forever. " I smiled just thinking about seeing her again.

" Can I have your number in case if something happens?" He asked holding his phone.

" I would like to give you my number of course, but I don't have a phone anymore. I lost it." I said laughing.

" Ohh okay, no problem." He said smirking. "Selena told me about your mother. I am so sorry Ashley." He said and I smiled at him.

" Don't worry, I'm a strong girl." I laughed.

We talked a little bit more and decided to go sleep. It has been a long day, and tomorrow I have to say goodbye to my best friend once again.

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