Chapter 24

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I woke up at 4AM making sure that everything was packed. I was so excited, so much energy run through my veins. It's been so long since the last time i was on tour. I just hope that my fans will accept me..I've let them down for so many reasons. Last year my life was a complete mess, everybody hated me but now i'm here to prove them all wrong. I'm coming back and i wont leave again.

When I finished loading my tour buss the time was already 4:45AM so I decided to wake everybody up.

First i walked to my guest room to see if Sarah and Lil Twist are still sleeping and of course they were. I took a pillow from the floor and threw it to Twist. He shoot up from his spot and looked around. I couldn't stop laughing. 

"What the fuck men?" He groaned looking at me whit fear in his eyes.

" Time to move, tell everybody to pack their shit, we are leaving after 15 minutes." I said walking away. 

Now it was time for my princess. I know how much she hates to be woken up so i have to be sweet. Walking up the stairs I could hear people talking downstairs. I couldn't stop smiling. Finally I reached our bedroom and peeked inside. Of course she was sound asleep, looking as beautiful as ever. 

I sat next to her in our bed, slowly learning in, i kissed her soft cheek and i could see the corner of her lips rising up. I kissed her nose multiple times and she let out a small moan. That made me crazy for her, I wanted her right now, right here but we didn't have a time for that sadly..

"Justiiiiin, please let me sleep." She wined and a smirk appeared on my face.

" Baby, it's time to go. We have to leave. Wake up." I whispered to her. 

She turned her back to me and she didn't leave other choice so i slipped my hands under her small body and lifted her in my hands bridal style. She was trying to get out but I tightened my grip around her. Finally she opened her eyes and I have to say that she looked angry as hell.

"Put me down Justin! I'm up. " She ordered so i did. I watched her walking across the room looking for clothes to wear so I stepped closer.

" Come any closer and you'll be sorry, I swear." She groaned and I stepped back.

"Are you seriously mad at me right now baby?" I asked but she didn't answer. Again I walked closer and this time I didn't care about what she's gonna say because I wanted to hug her.

I wrapped my arms around her from behind and i could hear her groaning. I turned her around and she looked up to me.

"Baby please don't be mad at me, I am so sorry but we really have to go now. It's very important." I said and she finally softened against me.

" Okay Justin. Just let me change and I'll be down there in five okay?" She said kissing my cheek. I nodded and kissed her lips before walking away.

When I reached first floor I started laughing again, Sarah looked the same as Ashley and Twist was trying his best to get her attention. I saw Scot (Scooter) talking to Alfredo so i walked up to them. I haven't seen him for awhile so he probably have a lot to say.

"Yo Scot, how are you men?" I asked and he turned he's attention to me.

"Hey kiddo, excited huh?" He shook my hand.

"Pretty much. I was waiting for this for so long." I said and he nodded.

"Okay everybody, time to go, rules are the same, everybody stays together, any questions, ask now or stay quiet." Scot said laughing. 

I saw Ashley coming down the stairs and she looked tired, Sarah linked arms with her and both of them walked outside. She was still mad but I don't blame her, I would be the same. I looked around one more time, memories from this house came back to me. This was the house where I asked Ashley to be my girl, everything about this house reminded about Ashley. I hear a light foot steps coming inside and soon two small arms wrapped around my waist.

"Whats wrong Justin?" She asked and i looked down to her.

"I'm gonna miss this place, our place." I said hugging Ashley.

"Yeah, me too.." She took my hand and we walked outside, leaving our memories back inside.

She turned to look at the house one more time and smiled. After a minute she finally stepped inside the buss and I did the same. 

There wasn't a lot people in this buss, my crew was staying in a van with Kenny, so it was Ashley, Sarah, Lil Twist, Lil Za, Alfredo and Scot with me. They all were sitting on the couch watching TV. I could see Ashley's eyes slowly closing so I took her in my arms and we walked to our bedroom.

When we entered my old room Ashley gasped..It wasn't anything big or special, but there was enough space for both of us. I put her down in our bed and covered her body with a blanket.

"Are you coming next to me?" She asked eyes closed.

"Later, I have some stuff to discuss with Scot. Make sure you get some sleep okay?" I said and kissed her cheek. She nodded her head and I walked outside. 

When I came back Scot was the only one sitting on the couch. I took a water bottle from the fridge and sat next to him. He looked up to me and studied my face.

"How's life kid, I mean really..How are you?" He asked looking worried.

"I don't know, much better I guess. I feel better." I answered looking at the wall.

"What happened with you and Selena? How did you ended things?" He asked and my heart dropped to the floor in that same moment.

"I..I don't now what happened. She just left, sh..she just left men.." I said and I could feel tears in my eyes.

Of course there's still times when I think about her, don't get me wrong..I love Ashley but Selena was my girlfriend for a long time, you can't forget someone that quick.

" I just hope that this girl is the one for you kid. I wish you the best." Scot said tapping my shoulder. 

I nodded my head and finally looked at him. " What's the plan for this tour?" I asked curious.

"First 3 shows in Washington, 2 in Minnesota, 5 in New York, 1 in Virginia..Than Canada...2 in Toronto, after that, you can spend some time with family because we have a break for 3 days and that's it for now. Will see after Toronto. But we are going to Europe for sure." He said excited. 

"That's a lot men." I said shocked.

"I guess but you been away for a long time, it's time to shine again." He smiled and I nodded.

 After a while Scooter left and now I was sitting alone thinking about my Family. I miss my mom, dad, everybody. But the most important thing is that Ashley gonna meet them. Mom will love her and Jazzy, ohh they gonna be best friends.

My dad likes everybody so I don't have to worry about him. Grandma and Grandpa as well. I don't even remember when was the last time I met them. Probably before all this drama. Before alcohol, drugs, girls, cars..I screw up big time. I just hope that they'll forgive me my mistakes. I just want to change and Ashley is the one helping me.

She probably don't even know the half of things I've done and I'm glad she don't. I don't even know where would I be without her right now. Probably smoking pot, fucking every girl I barely know, drinking every night, clubbing...It's like my life depends on her right now. She is just a perfection in my eyes. 

Slowly I stood up and walked back to our bedroom and a smile appeared on my face when I saw her sleeping peacefully. I crawled next to her pulling her body closer to mine and soon fell asleep thinking about our future..

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