Chapter 37

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"Okay Sarah, I'm done. I can't walk anymore. How come you're still standing?" I whined sitting down on the bench at the mall.

 We've been looking for a perfect outfit all around the place, Sarah dragged me through every shop and it felt like we've tried on thousand's of dresses and nothing looked good enough.

"Oh come on Ash. Stop with this crying. One last shop, I promise." She said pulling me up.

"But it has been already more than three hours in this place. I am hungry, my legs hurt, and I'm not sure anymore, if I wanna go out tonight after what happened today. I think that I'm moving too fast and besides, people is staring at me, I don't know if I can handle this attention." I said looking around the mall. 

After Daniel spread the news about us being together, all I can think about is, what's gonna happen next. There is probably thousand's of girls coming after me. Everyone thinks that I broke Justin's heart. I am the bad one in this. 

"Ashley, after this one last shop we can do whatever you want, we gonna stuff our faces with junk food if you like, but now I need to finish my mission. We came here for a reason, to find a sexy dress for this night and we are not leaving till we get one. And what the fuck are you talking about? You from all the people in the world deserve happiness, who gives a shit what they think of you, let them think what they want. This is a chance to start fresh, Daniel likes you Ashley, let him in...Don't build those walls again. I know how hard it is for you, but you can't hide forever. Justin fucked up, let him go. He don't deserve your tears, your thoughts, nothing. I love you too much to let you do this to yourself again." She spoke holding my hand.

I wiped away a single tear and inhaled one deep breath before I put the biggest smile on my face because of Sarah's encouragement.

"You know what? I am ready to party honey. Let's find this sexy ass dress you were talking about." I said standing up. Sarah's words made me somehow feel alive again. I felt free and happy. 

I walked around the shop looking but nothing, I found absolutely nothing I would feel comfortable with. 

"I got it!" Sarah yelled. I spun around and my eyes winded when I saw the dress she was holding. 

"No way Sarah, too much skin is showing. I don't want to look like a hoe." I said shaking my head.

"Don't be silly Ash. This dress is perfect. You gonna look amazing." She said dragging me to the changing rooms. "You try this dress and I'll search for some matching heels." Sarah said pushing me inside a cabin. 

I looked at the dress and laughed. I'm gonna look so stupid. 

I stripped down looking at my body and back to the dress. Okay, I have long legs, boobs and butt, but this dress needed more than that. Thanks God Sarah choose a dress with long sleeves so I wasn't worried about someone seeing my scars. 

I took the dress from hanger and slide it on my body feeling the cold fabric against my skin. Shivers run down my body as a looked at myself again. The dress fit me perfectly but I wasn't confident anymore. I felt naked.

"Are you done? I got the shoes." Sarah spoke hanging me a pair of sparkling heels. I groaned and took them from her sliding my feet inside. 

"Come on Ash. Don't let me wait. Let me see what your mama gave you." She begged. 

"I look like a slut Sarah!" I hissed opening the door.

"Oh shit babe. You look so damn good. Slut? Let it be that way. If I were a guy, I would fuck you right here against the wall." Her jaw hanged open.

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