Chapter 47

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Next morning I woke up surprisingly by myself. Daniel was already at work so I decided to check on Jessica. I peeked inside her room and looked at her sleeping body. How come she was asleep? Something like this never happened before. I made my way to the kitchen and begun to make a coffee for myself. Suddenly I realized what day it was and I almost dropped my cup to the ground. I totally forgot about Justin coming today. I looked at the time and my eyes almost popped out when I saw that it was 10 AM already. He was suppose to be her in 1 hour and I looked like a mess, I mean the place looked like a mess. I sipped on my coffee and started cleaning the dishes from last night. 

Soon I heard Jessica's loud screams so I made a bottle for her and walked to her room seeing her chewing one of her toys. I couldn't stop myself for smiling, she looked so cute, her hazel eyes sparkling in the sun. She lifted her arms up so I picked her up from her crib and walked back to the living room. It feels like just yesterday I was screaming on the top of my lungs, trying push as hard as I could to get this little girl out of my stomach, but now she is sitting on the couch, holding her own bottle. She's growing so fast. 

I heard my phone beeping in my bedroom so I rushed to my nightstand, grabbed the phone and jogged back to my kid. I sat down next to Jess and she gave me a side smile, the exact same smile her dad use to put on his face. One of the most beautiful smiles ever. I learned down and kissed the top of her head before unlocking my phone. My heart jumped when I saw his name across the screen.

~I'm on my way.~   Justin

Was all it said, and that was enough to drive me crazy. I started panicking, everything seemed to be dirty again. I walked around the apartment looking for some spot I forgot to clean, but nothing was there. My hands got sweatier with every second. Jessica looked at me and couldn't stop giggling, her little laughs filled the room. I sat next to her and tickled her little feet witch made her laugh even harder. Suddenly I heard a doorbell and we both looked at the door. The feeling came back to me as I stood up and placed Jessica in the corner of the couch so she won't fell off. I took a deep breath and walked to the door. As soon as I opened them my legs felt week and I could barely stand on my feet. He looked more grown up, hes hair was more longer making him look even more sexier than he already was, and I really have to stop thinking about these things.

"Hey." He finally said, snapping me out of my daze. "Hi." I answered like a lost puppy and stepped aside so he could come in. I closed the door and rested my forehead against them for a second till I got myself together. As I turned back around hes eyes was burning holes on my skin, I felt so small. We stood there looking to each other till he finally said something. " I..I ha..I don't really know what to say Ashley, 'sorry' wont make this any better. I know that I fucked up, I shouldn't be standing here right now. I just don't know how to make you believe in me again." He said and I felt my eyes getting wet so I turned my head away from him. 

"Don't hide from me Ashley, stop hiding your emotions. " He said coming closer and turned my head so I was looking back up into his eyes. They were full with emotion I couldn't describe.

Suddenly Jessica started crying and Justin's head snapped to the side. I walked past him to the living room and picked her up. I saw Justin staring at us so I walked closer to him. His eyes started to fill with tears and soon one of them slide down hes cheek. I never seen him like this before. I stood in front of him with Jessica in my hands as he looked at her lovingly. Jessica was still crying but as soon as she looked at him, her cries died down. She reached for him and he held his daughter for the first time. Jessica touched the tear on his face and showed the most adorable first real smile. She felt secure in his hands, it was shocking to see this kind of connection. Is it even possible? They have never met before but still, its like she knows who he is. 

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