Chapter 35

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I was waiting patiently for Ashley to show up. I felt week without her. I needed to fix this mess somehow but I wasn't sure how. I made a mistake, a big one and now I had to pay for my actions. All I wanted was to hold her and never let go. 

I looked out the window and saw a taxi on my drive way, I took a deep breath and walked to my front door. As soon as I walked outside I saw her. Words can't describe the feeling I got when I looked at her. She was broken  from inside. I broke her. 

"Baby you came." I said rushing down the stairs. I wrapped my arms around her small frame and hold her close to my body for a while till she pulled away crying. 

"Please, just don't make this any harder than it has to be." She whispered looking at the ground. 

I lifted her chin so she looked in to my eyes. " I just want you to listen this time. " I said wiping her tears. She nodded her head and we walked inside.

"Do you want anything? Coffee, Tea?" I asked following her to the living room. "Water would be great. Thank you." She answered taking a seat on the love seat. Soon I came back from the kitchen with a glass of water and sat it down on the little glass coffee table. 

"Baby, I'm so happy you c.."

"Justin, I came here to get a closure about what happened. I'm not here to have a tea party with you. I want to know Why? What have I done wrong?" She said coldly.

"Baby you've done nothing wrong. This is just a big mistake. I would never hurt you like that." I said kneeling in front of her. " But you did Justin. You already did. All I want to know is WHY?" Ashley said looking away from me.

"Okay." I said sitting on the couch. I was scared. The truth was about to come out and I was scared from Ashley's reaction. Oh well, here goes nothing. " The other night, when I told you that I was at the studio I lied. Selena called me and asked if I could meet her at the Starbucks." A tear slide down Ashley's cheek. " I said, that I don't want to see her but she begged. She said that she want to apologize about everything. I gave in. I met her there, she started talking shit about our past, about our relationships. She messed with my head. I wanted nothing more to go back and hug you. I told her how much I love you but she didn't listen." I looked at Ashley again and I could tell that she was hurt inside and out.

"Ke...keep going." She said trying to catch a breath. I moved closer to her and took one of her hands in mine stroking her knuckles gently. 

"She touched my hand across the table and that's when I saw camera flashes outside the window. I was smiling in those pictures not because I was excited about meeting her, but because I was talking about you. All I cared about was you. I didn't want paps to get a wrong idea so I grabbed Selena's hand and dragged her through the back door. We run'd to the nearest park to get ride of them. She didn't let go of my hand so I let her be. We walked around, she told me how sorry she was, how bad she wanted to be with me and that she was going to fight for us...I..I told her that I should go but all of sudden I felt her lips on mine. Baby I didn't kiss her. She kissed me. I pulled her away saying that it's not gonna work. That I have you, I told her that I don't want to see her. I walked away. You have to believe me." I begged.

"Then why did you kept seeing her for more than two weeks?" She spoke.

"Scooter called me couple of days later, telling me that we have to talk. I drove to the studio and first thing I saw when I walked in was Selena and Scooter talking business. I was confused at first. Scooter told me that she is going to be my Opening act Singer and I was pissed. I wanted nothing to do with her but it was already decided without me. Then you got sick, I had to keep up with my job. I missed you so much. On top of everything, Selena didn't back up. She wanted to destroy our relationships. She wanted you out of the way. She did everything to set up a date with me through Scooter. We had those photo shoots together for some magazines. I hated it. It was killing me. I couldn't look at you. I was afraid to tell you something..." I took a deep breath and prepared for the worst. It was now or never.

"Selena used my weakness, she was about to tell you and the world, that she is pregnant with my baby. That night before Canada, after the party I went to her hotel. I wanted to tell her that I am done with this. That I wont play those games anymore. She laughed and took her laptop ready to spread the rumors. I stopped her before she did. Ashley I am so sorry. I made the biggest mistake. I was trying to protect our relationships. The only way I could shut her mouth was having sex with her." I said crying. 

"YOU SLEPT WITH HER?" Ashley screamed. She took her hand away from me and stood up. "I CAN'T BELIEVE I WAS ABOUT TO FORGIVE YOU, YOU PEACE OF SHIT." 

I stood up and tried to touch her face but she slapped my hand away. She was crying so hard trying to catch her breath. " Baby, I had no choice. She wanted to destroy us." I said wiping my fresh tears. 

"Guess what Justin! YOU DID IT INSTEAD. I HATE YOU!" She screamed walking to the front door. I grabbed her by her waist and spun around so she faced me. Next thing I know I felt a sharp pain across my left cheek. She slapped me. Okay, I deserved that. "Don't you fucking touch me again. I am sick of you. You two are meant to be together because you both are the same. 

"Ashley please. Don't say that. I love you so much. I wasn't thinking. I wanted to protect you, us. Baby please." I begged. I looked at her as she took her phone and called someone. "C..could you please come to Justin's? I need to get away from here...Thank you." She said and hanged up.

"Who did you call?" I asked "It's not your business. I want you to leave me alone, I want you to stay away from me, don't ever call me and if you see me one day, I want you to keep away from me as far as possible. From now on, all we had is gone. Like we have never met. This is the end Justin. We are done." Her words stabbed me like a knife. I felt worthless. I felt disgusted with myself. My world just shattered under my feet. Tears blurred my vision as I looked in to her eyes. They were full of hate and sadness.

"Ashley, don't do this to us. I will make it up to you. I will do whatever you want. Please." I begged once again.

"Then stay away from me." She said and turned away from me walking outside. I saw a car pulling up. Ashley walked down the road and I cheesed after her. I turned her around one more time and before she could do something I smashed my lips on top of hers. For my surprise she kissed back so I got the chance to pull her closer to me. She wrapped her hands around my neck and I lifted her up so her legs was now around my waist. I pressed my body even closer to hers. She broke the kiss and we cried in to each others neck. "I love you so much Ashley." I sobbed. "I am so sorry."

"It's too late J..Please let me go. I can't do this." She said standing on her feet again. I glared at the car and saw Zed. My heart fell to the ground. "What is he doing here?" I asked looking in to her eyes.

"He came to pick me up. I..I have to go. Goodbye Justin. This is it." She said and walked away from me. She walked out of my life just like that. I saw her stepping in to the passenger seat and drove off. I fell to my knees and broke down. I felt like nothing and no one could help me. I can't even explain how much pain I felt.

"I will always love you my princess.." I whispered.


Here we are. I didn't plan this chapter to turn out like this, but what can I say. I was inspired. (I am not a hater. I love Selena and I wish that in real life Jelena could make it back together again, but in this story everything is different. Don't hate on me.

I hope that someone will like it. That someone will actually read it. 

I want you to say something. Please leave a comment for me. (:

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