Chapter 36

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It has been a week since I last seen Justin or even heard from him. These past days has been very hard for me. I can't sleep, I can't eat and most of the time I spend locked in my bedroom. Sarah is trying her best to help me with this pain, but this feeling never goes away. That night I made a promise to myself, to never trust a guy again, because they always let you down anyway. Sarah doesn't know about this, but I found a way to forget. I cut myself. Each day one cut. I'm worthless, that's why he cheated. I wasn't enough. I never was to anyone. I haven't left the apartment, every day I've been sitting in my bed, staring out the window, waiting for something. I feel week, words can't describe how broken I am. 

Zed was blowing my phone up so I had to shut it down. I'm not sure why I called him to pick me up, but he was the first person that came to my mind that night. 

I haven't seen the news, I am scared to check any social media. I know that they probably know what was going on at Justin's that night and I am not ready to face it again. Justin broke his promise, he broke me. I don't know anything about him, where he is, what is he doing and with who he is.  I hope that my wishes will came true and I'll never see him again. The love I felt for him now is just a hate. I HATE JUSTIN DREW BIEBER.

"Ash...can I come in?" I heard Sarah asking behind the door. I rolled down my sleeves and tried to speak but my voice cracked. She sat down next to me in bed and looked out the window. " I've seen you like this before Ashley. You are stronger than this. Don't let this mistake take away everything you worked for. There is so much more to come in your life and you don't realize that life doesn't stop. You have to keep going, keep pushing. I know that you're hurt but it hurts me to see my best friend like this. Let me help you. Let me inside Ash. You have to start a new chapter in your life. A clear page." She said finally looking down at me. "I am here for you."

I stared back, her words sinking in my brain as a small tear run down my cheek. " I do..n't know if I'm ready." My voice cracked again.

"It is time Ashley. It's time to wake up. To stand up and walk with pride. It is time to put this behind you and do things you love. Stop doing this to yourself." She stood up. " I guess you're right." I said stepping out of the bed.

"Of course I'm fucking right girl." She rise her voice and I couldn't help but laugh. " I want you to take a shower, get dressed and we are going job haunting." She said pointing her finger to the bathroom. I smiled and did as she said.

After I was done with everything I actually felt better. I walked to the kitchen and saw a big plate with pancakes. " Sit down and eat something." Sarah commanded. I took a first bite and almost died. It was like a heaven. Sara fore sure knows how to cook. I was enjoying my food when suddenly my stomach turned upside down. Sarah gave me a worried look and I couldn't keep keep the food inside anymore. I hurried to the bathroom once again and kneel'd down in front of the toilet.

" Oh my god Ashley. I'll never make pancakes again." She said rubbing my back. "No Sarah, they were amazing, it's probably just because I haven't eaten for some time." I said standing up. Sarah nodded and helped me clean up. 

After I was finally ready we walked out the apartment building and as quick as possible to Sarah's car. People still didn't know where I live, so I was safe from questioning  for a while. 

After a long searching the last place we visited for a day was Starbucks. We walked inside and a guy with his back towards us was standing behind the counter. "Excuse  me sir, we are looking for a....ohh my God Daniel? What are you doing here?" I looked at him shocked. He looked surprised to see me but a big smile was plastered on his face when he came to hug me. " Hey beautiful." He kissed my cheek. " My mom and I moved to LA last month." He said looking down at me. 

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