~Would You Love Me Even With My Dark Side?~ (Leo x Reader)

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For @shaclov391

You tried controlling the demon inside you. Your apartment was in shreads and you had tears falling from your face. "Conceal don't feel y/n", you said to yourself. You lifted your eyepatch and smacked your demon eye. The turtles burst into the apartment. Leo tried calming you, but you pushed him away.

"I might hurt you!!" You said to him as your eyes went black and your bison went red. The eyepatch snapped off and your demon eye turned blood red. You attacked Leo as the brothers ran out of the way. You clawed at him as he felt tears roll down his face. "Why won't you break?!" Your demon voice said. "Because I love you too much!! I'd rather lived a few years knowing you than a thousand without", Leo said. Your panting stopped as you returned to normal. Leo caught you and kissed you. "Please y/n. I love you", he said. "I love you too Leo. But I can't tame the demon", you said. "Then I'll help", Leo said and ran with you to the lair.

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