~Just Give Me A Reason~ (Slash x Reader)

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You were awaken by your younger sister in the middle of the night. "Sissy!! Look at this cool new lamp daddy gave me!!" She yelled and ran out. You followed her and into her room where she sat down at a little tea set and started pouring the lava from the lamp into cups. You rolled your eyes and were about to walk out when a giant turtle with a blue bandana around his eyes kicked the cup out of your sister's hand. The cup hit the wall and shattered, the green lava fizzing and disappearing. The turtle tried to grab the lava lamp, but your sister pulled it away.

"No Mr. Turtle, you stay and have tea!!" She said. You shut the door and locked it. They had tea for a little bit and you were surprised as to how mature this turtle was. "What's your name?" "Leo." "(Y/n)", you said. "Are there anymore like you?" Your sister asked. "Nope!! No more!! Just me, your  Mr. Imaginary Turtle", he said.

As he said that, two other turtles busted down the ceiling and they both looked like they wanted to kill each other. One looked like Leo with a red tattered bandana instead. And the other one was so big you could fit four Leo's into him. He had a black mask and an orange and purple ones on his right arm.

"LEO?! TEA TIME?!" The red one said. The black one pushed the red one into the wall and they made a giant hole in the wall too. Leo looked out the hole then frowned. "Thanks for the tea, I gotta go!!" Leo said and grabbed the lamp, jumping out of the hole. You decided to climb up the broken wall and onto the roof. You watched as the red turtle tried to save the black one from falling, but he fell and made a giant dent in the sidewalk. You got off the roof and into the alleyway you thought that he'd escaped to.

You smiled and approached the turtle. He growled at you but you kept walking toward him. "I'm not gonna hurt you", you said. "What do they call you?" You asked. "They call me Spike. But I'm Slash", he answered. He turned and faced you.

You bandaged him up as he thanked you. "When can I see you again?" He asked. "Soon", you said and handed him a piece of paper. It had your address. It was the start of a cute relationship.

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