~I'm Not Gonna Write You A Love Song~ (Donnie X Reader) {Part 2}

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You were angry for a long time at Donnie. He was really upset that he lost you. While your hate brought you to the dark side (comment what the reference is from or just take a guess), Donnie was staring at pictures of you and he blocked everyone out. Even April. She was banded from the lair.

~A Few Months Later....~

You had stayed away from the lair for as much as possible. You then, one day, decided to go and officially break up. You made your way to the lair and when you walked in, saw Mikey sitting on the couch (as usual). You smiled at him. He looked up and pointed to the lab doors. You opened one of them and walked in.

What you saw was horrible. Donnie was on the floor, his shell cracked like a sledgehammer was impaled into it. "DONNIE!!" You yelled and ran over to him. Blood was everywhere. You cupped his face and looked at him in the eye. "I'm glad I could see you before I passed", he said. Your tears fell and slid down your cheeks. "DONNIE YOULL MAKE IT. LEO!! RAPH!! MIKEY!!" You yelled. All three came running in and saw Donnie. The pained look on their faces were turned to sadness.

The four of you put the turtle up onto the table and you hooked a heart rate tracker into his arm. He looked in pain and he smiled. "I want you to know that I loved you. You didn't get it, but I wanted to tell you April forced herself on me", he explained. "No Donnie. Your not giving up!!" You yelled. He smiled and whispered his last words: "I love you (y/n)."

The heart rate dropped and Donnie's expression faded, his eyes closing. Your teas were rapidly flowing down. One of them touched his cheek and faded. You then saw the impossible.

A purple light flooded the room and you shielded yourself. When your eyes opened, you were in a room with a garage door in one corner. Projects, science text books, pencils, and paper of files filled the room. "Too bad there's no sign", you said. You then saw a sign that read: Donnie's inter sprit. You wandered to the garage door and pulled it open. You gasped when you saw the inside.

It was picture of you. His love for you. There were the things he gave you, the things he kept from you, everything was sealed in this room. There was a picture of April and her face was crossed out. The little note next to it said: She tore me from (y/n). You started crying. "DONNIE!! If you can hear me I'm so sorry!! I love you too much and I'm sorry we haven't talked!! Wake up and rise!! I can never repay you!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!" You yelled. You felt the purple light come back and you close your eyes.

When you opened them, you saw Donnie wake up. You hugged him and watched his shell magically repair itself. "You mean that?" He asked. "I really do", you said and he picked you up. He nuzzled you and then you both shared a sweet kiss.

Requests are still open if you want one!! No song fics however. Thanks!!

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