~Someone To Lean On~ (Raph x Depressed Reader)

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For @SandyGraves

You were at your work (Starbucks x3) when your phone started to ring. You picked it up and went to the back room. "Hello?"

"(Y/n)!! It's about your father. He's in the hospital right now. He was hit by a car."

"I'll be over ASAP", you said and hung up. It was Mary, the nurse who helped your father a lot. She called you because your mother died from a fire when you were little. Your father was all you had left and now he might not be here anymore.

You changed and got into regular clothes, explained to your manager, and left. You hopped on your bike and pedaled quickly to the hospital. When you got there, Mary escorted you to an emergency room. When you walked in, you gasped.

Your dad laid there on the bed with needles stuck into his arms, a breathing mask resting atop his face, and his eyes half open. You rushed to his side. He looked at you and smiled. "I'll see your mother soon", he said as chuckled. "No, your nothing anywhere!!" You said. He smiled. You felt tears run down your face. "I love you", he said as his smile faded. You yelled as tears poured down your cheeks. He took one last breath and closed his eyes. The heart monitor wet from quick rapid beating to a long line of nothing.

You ran out, hopped on your bike. You rode to the nearest alleyway and went into the manhole. You ran into the lair of the ninja turtles. Raph saw you and caught you. "Hey, what happened?" Your boyfriend asked. "M-my dad is gone Raph", you said. He gave you a sympathetic look. He hugged you and kissed your cheek. "You'll be ok. I promise", he said. He kissed you and wiped the tears away. Yeah, you were gonna be ok.

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