~Sisterly Love?~(Mikey x FootClan!Reader)

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You were running around today, trying to get some air. You hated the Foot Clan, especially since you were sisters with the worst girl ever, Karai. You hated her and your father, Shredder. Your mother visited you every now and then in secret, and you raised yourself.

You tripped over something and fell into a trash can. "Hey!!" You yelled. Some shadows jumped over a nearby roof. "Turtles. I gotta warn Karai", you said and got out of the trash can. You threw a banana peel and made a run to Karai.

When you found her, you saw that she was tied up. "Tell us where the Kraang are (y/n)!!" A shadow yelled. They stepped out into the light, revealing four large turtles. "H-how do you kn-" "We need to save the world from the Kraang and if you won't tell us, we'll make sure that you can't see Shreddder again", one with a red mask said. "Ok, FYI, I'm a girl. And I don't think you wanna hurt my sister", you said. He growled and lunged at you, pulling you unit a headlock, choking you. A slightly shorted turtle with an orange mask yanked the red one off of you. "I'm sorry about that. He's a hot head", he said.

"Look, I don't know anything about the Kraang and I'm not sure where they are. Shredder hates me more than you guys", you respond. A purple masked one nodded. "Alright Karai. You can go if you'll leave", a blue masked one said. They untied Karai and ran off.

The next few months were torture. You were constantly beat up by Karai, so one day, you ran off and came across Mikey. You told him what happened and he took you to the lair. You stayed with him and slowly, fell in love with him.

The day the Kraang came was the day you last saw. You had just knocked out a Kraang bot when something stabbed you in the back. You fell to the ground as Mikey caught you. "Mikey, I-I love you", you said. Mikey kissed you passionately as your world went black, with Mikey's voice yelling that you'd be ok.

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