~Jar Of Hearts~ (Raph x Reader x Donnie)

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(So this is not a songfic, but there are hints of the song by Christina Perri)

You smiled. Your best friend helped you dress up so you could go on a date with Raph. She was glad to help. You started out the door and toward the lair. You walked in and saw that Mikey was watching tv. You walked past him and into Raph's room. The sight was horrible. April, Donnie's girlfriend was sleeping with Raph. Tears formed in your eyes. You ran out of the lair.

The next day, you walked into the lair and saw April walk out with her face red. Raph walked up to you. "(Y/n) I-" "I don't wanna hear it. We're through", you said and shoved him. His expression darkened. "No we're not!!" He said and grabbed your wrist. You slapped him across his face.

Donnie, who was watching and had recently dumped April when he found out, rushed to the scene. He shoved you behind him and blocked a punch. Mikey and Leo held him back and you felt tears slide down. "Let me go!! Who do you think you are?! I hate you Raphael!! Why did you date me if you were going to bang April anyways?! Your just running around leaving scars,  collecting a jar of hearts!!" You yelled. Donnie hugged you as Raph tried to break free. "Get away from my girlfriend!!" He yelled. Donnie growled. "You banged my ex you bastard. Don't ever talk to me again. You hurt people. I'm leaving", he said and walked out with you.

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