~Photograph~(Mikey x Reader)

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(Father Daughter Dance, not a request)

You sat on the stairs, right outside your high school, in tears. You wiped a few away, but they wouldn't stop pouring down your face. You hated your dad right now. He wasn't there for you ever, and he wasn't here now. Let me explain...


"You going to the Father Daughter Dance tonight?" Your best friend Amiee asked. "Defiantly. My dad promised he'd come", you responded and smiled. "See ya there", she said and walked away.

When you got to the lair, you got ready. You mom was ok with you dating a ninja turtle, and your dad knew nothing about it. Mikey came into your room, kissing your cheek before sitting down. "So, what's with the orange dress angel cakes?" He asked. "It's for the father daughter dance. My dad's finally coming."

"Cool. Since you haven't seen him and all", he said. You nodded. "Well, have fun. If you need something, call me", he said and kissed your cheek again, walking out.

You got to the dance and waited outside for what seemed like an hour. Your dad never came. You texted him:

Where are you?

I'm with my girlfriends. We're having a sleepover. Can't come

But dad, you promised!!

I fucking want to stay home so go fuck your self

You sat down on a nearby bench and cried. Nothing could cheer you up.

And that's where you were right now. You felt your phone vibrate. It was Mikey trying to call you. You hit the green button and put the phone up to your ear.


"What's wrong Angel cakes? Are you at the dance?"

"Yeah, but my dad's banging some girls at his house so he couldn't come."

"I'll see what I can do. Love you."

"Love you too? Bye", you said and hung up. You say there for a while until a man tapped your shoulder. "Hello
(y/n)", he said. You recognized his voice. "Master Splinter?!" You asked and stood up. "Tonight I am dad or Father", he said. You smiled and linked arms with Sensei.

The night went quickly and you made it to the lair in a jiffy. You smiled at Mikey and ran to him, he smiled and spun you around, kissing you. "Thanks Mikey", you said. He kissed your nose. "Your welcome", he said.

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