~Just Give Me A Reason~ (Slash x Reader) {Part 2}

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This was requested. I just had to!!

You were just sitting in your room, reading a book, and watching tv. You and Slash had been dating for a few years now, and you'd seen sides of him that even his best friends hadn't. You were extremely happy he got along with your parents. Your dad didn't like him at first, but he now likes Slash a lot.

You heard a tap on the window and opened it. There was a little envelope that had your name in a cursive font. You opened it and read the little letter inside:

Dear (y/n),

Since its our 4th anniversary, I wanted to do something special. You will find me in the lair. See you soon darling.

~ Love, Slash

You smiled and made your way to the lair. When you got there, the lights were out. Someone flicked them on and you were faced with a giant banner saying: HAPPY 4TH ANNIVERSARY!! (Y/n) X SLASH FOREVER!!
You laughed as everyone blurted out happy anniversary. You smiled and felt something put you in their shoulder. You smiled when you saw Slash's black mask. You kissed his forehead and he set you down, engulfing you in a giant hug. "Happy anniversary Darling", he said. "Same to you", you responded. Everyone cooed as Slash kissed your cheek.

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