~Watashi No Saiai No Ōjo~ (HumanPrince!Leo x Maiden!Reader)

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Requested and the title translates to My Darling Princess. It's also an AU back in Castle Times, Medieval, so it might suck. Comment below what you think!! And stay tuned, because I have a very special event coming up soon!!👐🏻

You were walking home from the market today, basket in hand filled with leftover goods you couldn't sell and some other things. That's when you were pulled into a nearby alleyway and a hand cupped over your mouth. You dropped your basket, luckily nothing broke as you tried to get out of the thug's grasp.

You kept struggling until something hit the thug in the back of his head and he fell unconscious. You quickly turned around and faced a man with deep blue orbs and dark brown hair. He wore a mask of Blue and his apparel was all black except his belt which was gold and held two sheaths for what looked like twin katanas. You smiled as the man picked up your basket, handing it to you.

"I hope those thugs didn't cause you too much distress. Are you alright?" He said. "I am fine thank you, Mister....", you trailed off and the man soon took s hunt and smiled. "Sir Leonardo. But you can call me Leo, watashi no saiai no ōjo", he said as you blushed. "P-princess?" You stuttered, your face darkening."What's your name?" He asked. "(Y/n)", you responded. "As a thanks, will you accompany me to the Saurka Festival? I hear there's lots of fun to be had", he asked, grabbing your hand and kissing it. You smiled and nodded. He beamed and turned to walk away, but he stopped himself and turned to you. "I will see you when the sun is almost setting at Ramadachi Point", he said as he walked away.

You put on your cleanest and nicest clothes and snuck out if your house. Your mom was home but your dad was out drunk with his friends.

You reached Ramadachi Point and saw Leo waiting for you. You smiled as he looked at you, his jaw dropping. "You look lovely", he said. You blushed. "You looked handsome Sir Leo", you said. "Leo is all you need to call me by, My Lady", he said and kissed your hand. Your blush reddened as he smirked at you. "Shall we go?" He asked, gesturing to the road leading to the festival. You smiled and linked into his arm. "We shall."

You played many fun carnival games with him, a few of them involving hunting skills which you didn't have. Leo still helped you and you won a sack of gold coins.

Leo walked you home. You couldn't have had any more fun tonight and it was magnificent. You were now standing in your porch. "Thanks for everything", you said. He kissed your cheek as you blushed yet again. "No problem, watashi no saiai no ōjo", he said. You smiled and pulled the collar of his shirt down and kissed him roughly. He smiled into the kiss and put both hands on your face, making the kiss more passionate.

That's when the bad things happened. You parted from Leo as your dad opened the door. Again, he was drunk. "What are you doing with my daughter?!" He yelled and threw a bottle at him. Leo dodged it easily and looked at the drunken man. "Calm down sir. I was only-" "Get the hell away from her!!" He yelled as he threw s bottle at you. It shattered against your arms that blocked the glass from your face. It cut up your sleeves and arms. Leo growled and you black out as soon at you saw your vision go red.

You woke up in a luxurious bed and looked around. Leo sat on the edge and smiled. He was shirtless. You blushed and looked away. "D-do you want me to clean up the cuts?" You asked, taking notice of his back. He smiled softly. "You out up with a drunken man for years. I think I can handle one little cut", he said as he winced. You took out some wraps from a nearby nightstand and some rubbing alcohol from a dresser, along with a needle and thread.

You sat behind Leo and stitched up some bad cuts. You then made him turn around. You felt head impact your face as he turned and faced your with his chest bare. Your heart quickened as you stitched a very badly cut cut and added the rubbing alcohol, bandaging him up. He smiled softly, again, down at you.

"Thank you (y/n)", he said and pulled you into a hug. You felt your face get redder that any know red object as hugged him back. "I-I-I-" Leo cut you off by kissing you passionately. "You won't see that man again. He's dead. And your mother is with my father right now", he said. You smiled again and kissed him again.

And let's just say it "escalated" from there😏😉

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