~Now That I See You~ (Raph (hot)x Shy!Reader)

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I guess someone requested "hot Raph" 😳 I dunno if that's legal. But I've been watching Disney movies so comment down below if you know what movie this is from!!

You were sitting down in the dojo, stretching. Today was the anniversary of when you and your shy self met Raph. Your second year anniversary to be exact. And no one was home. Not even Splinter. You decided to stretch in the lair and wait. You got a text from Donnie saying to come to the lair, but hated that fact that no one was here.

You got up and that's when your phone rang. "Hello?" You asked. "Hi (y/n)!!" Mikey said on the other end. "Are you guys ok?!" You asked. "Is Raphie ok?" You asked yourself. "Yeah. We're chillin' at the docks. Come on over to Mr. Murakami's and get some food before ok?" And wth that he hung up. "Ok, this is officially the weirdest thing in the world that has ever happened to me before", you said and grabbed you phone, heading out.

You ate quickly and we're halfway out the door when Murakami stopped you. "Have fun tonight", he said and waved. You smiled. "Thanks?" You said and went out.

You made it to the docks where Mikey was waiting. "Hi", he said. He had a small orange bow tie around his neck. "Follow meh", he said and started walking down the dock.

When he reached the end, you saw Raph standing there, nervously looking out near the water. He looked at you and blushed. You and Mikey exchanged a glance and he nodded. Raph held out a hand and gave you a very tiny smile. He lead you to a small little canoe looking boat and sat the both of you inside. He pushed it away from the dock and smiled at you. "What are you doing?" You asked.

"Look, I really should have told you before, but, we have lanterns", he said and pointed to the dock. You looked behind you and gasped. Thousands of lanterns were floating around, illuminating his and your faces. "I also should have said that I love you. I've loved you since the day I rescued you from Shredder. I really love you and I can't express it much through words, but I can through actions", he said and leaned in, kissing you passionately.

He pulled away and you looked down at your hands nervously. "I'm sorry. D-did I make the wrong move? I feel s-" you cut him off by laughing and wrapping your arms around his neck and smiling. "I love you too Raph", you said and kissed him passionately. Wolf whistles, cat calls and tells were heard from the docks as you pulled away. Raph smiled. "Now let's-" he was cut off by the boat lurching. It tipped over and you screamed as you fell in. You clawed at the water, trying to get up. Raph grabbed your hand and helped you onto the tipped over boat. You coughed up water and looked down at him. "Thanks Raph", you said and kissed him as Donnie got a bigger boat out and was paddling towards you both on a rescue mission.

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