~Two-Way Tie~ (Leo x Reader x Raph)

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You were watching a training session in the lair. It was down to Leo and Raph. "No hard feelings if I kick your ass Leo?" Raph asked as he swung at Leo. "Nope. None at all", Leo responded and blocked Raph.

The two fought on and on when you were around. And when you weren't around, they'd still argue, but more like cursing a ton and almost brawling.

One day in your way to the lair, Shredder captured you. They hung you over a giant pool of mutagen. Leo and Raph came and tried to rescue you, only to have you fall into the mutagen. You climbed out and fell to the floor. Leo noticed what you changed into. "She's a female turtle Raph!!" Leo said as he kicked a foot solider away. He picked you up and got you to the lair quickly and safely.

When you woke up, you got an apology and confession from both boys. "I love you both too", you said as they hugged you, you kissed them.

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