~Too Little Too Late~ (Donnie x Reader x Mikey) {Part 2}

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You woke up from a long dreamless sleep. A nurse walked in with a smile on her face. "(Y/n), you can go home now. We've held you here for a long time and it's been a year. The students have worked really hard and found a cure. You no longer have to worry about dying from cancer", she said. You nodded and drifted to sleep.

The next day, you hopped on a plane and went back to New York. When you walked into the lair, you saw Mikey sitting with a girl. You had developed a crush on him, but seeing the girl and him made you lose a little hope.

He saw you and tackled you in a hug. "(Y/n), this is my friend, Renet. Renet, this is (y/n), who is like a sister to me", Mikey said.

You stayed there for a while. You talked to everyone and everyone talked to you, and Renet and you were now close. You both had crushes, but she didn't know about yours. One day, you were sitting in your room when Mikey came in. "Can I ask you something?" He said. You nodded, getting your hopes up high. Maybe he did like you.

"Can you help me...."

"....ask Renet out?" He asked. Your heart shattered into a millions pieces, but you smiled and nodded. "Of course", you said.

When you passed by Donnie's lab, he saw you and pulled you into the lab. "What happened?" He asked. You then and there told him everything. He nodded and wiped a tear away from your eye. He smiled softly. "I loved you, but you were with Mikey, so I couldn't tell you", he said. You kissed him. "I like you too", you said and he wiped a tear away.

Renet and Mikey were then a few dad later, a couple. You swore to never tell anyone about the crush other than Donnie, and he didn't tell a soul. He loved you too much to let you slip away again.

How did I do? I really hope you guys comment more suggestions!! Thanks!!

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