~Big Girls Cry When Their Hearts Are Breaking~ (Raph x Reader)

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You ran into the lair and into the dojo. You were just too mad to talk to anyone. Your father had been taken by the Kraang when you were little and now they took your mother and sister away. You curled up into a ball under the tree.

A little while later, you heard the dojo doors slam open. "What happened?" Raph asked and kneeled down so that his eyes met yours. You explained about the tragic moment and he hugged you. "It's ok. We'll get her back. I promise", he said and hugged you, kissing your cheek.

The next night, Raph went on a solo trip to TCRI. He snuck into the detention cell area. He peered through every window until he found your family. He disabled the door and ran inside. "I'm here to save you", Raph said. "Thank you Mr. turtleMan!!" Your sister, Hana said. "Where's the father?" Raph asked. "They took him away a few minutes ago", Your mother said. Raph growled. "Follow me", he said.

They eventually found your dad, but he was in a cage over mutagen. Raph got your family out safely and brought them to the lair.

You were laying in Raph's bed since he didn't want you sleeping on the cold table in Donnie's room and not on the couch. He knocked on your door, waking you up. You opened it and rubbed your eyes. "Raph, what do you ne-" you stopped and stared at your family. Tears formed in your eyes. "Mom!! Dad!! HANA!!" You said and hugged them. Your father turned to Raph. "Thank you for helping us", he said. "No problem Mr. (L/n)", Raph responded. "Please. Call me (D/n)", he said.

You hugged Raph. "Thank you so much", you said. Raph smiled. "So if I saved your family, does this mean that we can tell them you and I are a thing?" He asked. You laughed. "Of course", you said as he kissed you.

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