~Love Wing Bell~(Mikey x Reader)

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Ok, for a girl, who was in choir and was always in the back, you weren't too crazy about having to wear make up to every single concert. Especially since every single guy on campus called you a she-man, just because you liked sports. All the guys made fun of you, but none of your friends did (luckily).

Tonight was the night of a big giant showcase before the annual trip to Disneyland. Mikey, your best turtle-ly awesome friend, decided to go help everyone before things got started. The teacher offered you the solo, and even though you already knew it by heart, you gave it up to your friend, Hana. She gladly accepted it, and they fitted her for the new dress she'd wear.

You showed up to change, when all the choir girls and Mikey stood in front of a small closet. All the girls were dressed up in black tuxedos with white ribbons in their hair. You cocked your head. "What's going on?" You asked. Hana opened the closet door and there sat the dress, but in your size. You shook your head. "Hana, you-" "She'd much rather have you be center (y/n)", Mikey said, smiled softly. You blushed. "B-but-" "No buts!! Now get changed you crazy girl!!" Hana yelled and the other girls laughed.

The performance went well and afterwards, you were walking home with Mikey. "Did you tell them to do this?"

"Only because you needed some exposure."

"But why? I'm just..."

"You're you. And that's why I love you."

You choked on your own breath. "What?" You asked. He smiled softly. "I-I-" you cut him off by kissing him. "I love you too Mikey", you said and gave him a soft smiled. He blushed and kissed your nose. "Let's get home Cinnamon Bun", he said as you laughed.

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