~Like I'm Gonna Lose You~ (Donnie x Reader)

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You had to tell him. You just had to. You loved him with all your heart, and you knew you had to tell him.

You slowly walked into the lab, slightly dragging your feet on the floor, staring down at it. Donnie took immediate notice at you and set down his wrench from his little project. He looked down at you and moved your head up with his finger on your chin. "What's wrong?" He asked. You felt a tear slide down your cheek and his eyes softened as he hugged you. You bawled into his plastron, silently crying, a few sniffles here and there.

He pulled away and locked his eyes with yours. "What's wrong princess?" He asked again, this time with a time of worry in his voice. You took a shaky breath before speaking. "I-I.....I-I'm....w-we....y-y-your.....I'm p-pregn-nant", you stuttered, Donnie's eyes widening. He smiled and kissed you passionately. "I'm glad we are", he said and smiled again.


Once the baby was out of your stomach and in your hands, you were happy to be alive. The past 21 hours had been the most pain ever. You stared into your baby's brown eyes. She was fully human by appearance, but she had a very sturdy skeleton and her brain was much more advanced than almost ever baby. Mainly because she had both yours and Donnie's genetics.

You watched her slowly breath and smiled up at Donnie. He gave a half smile back and you gave him the baby. "Hana", you said. He nodded and smiled down at Hana. "That's perfect."


Everything was happy. Up until Hana turned 5. She just started kindergarten when you and Donnie began to bicker. It was about small things, and then this escalated quickly. While Hana would be sleeping, you'd be yelling at Donnje about something or he'd be upset at you. They only thing that held you and Donnie together was Hana. So that's what you decided to do, to make Hana happier.

To get a divorce.

You moved out of the lair and into a small apartment. Hana would walk home from school or get picked up by you or Donnie. You'd trade off every week, and you missed those long weeks, with nothing to interrupt you but your thoughts.

It wasn't until Hana was 13 that she couldn't take it. She text you and Donnie at the same time, asking both of you to pick her up. You both came and when you saw that human form of his, you turned away. But before you could, Donnie grabbed your wrist. "Please. Let me talk to you", he said. You turned to face him. He smiled down at you, your face heating up. "Look, I'm sorry for everything I said 8 years ago. I really hated fighting. I realized a long time ago I still miss you. Hana needs both parents under the same roof, not one parent showing up to something because they hate the other. Please just...give me another chance", he said.

You looked deep into his brown eyes, which were full of sorrow and sincerity. You pulled down the collar of Donnie's shirt and passionately kissed him. Hana attacked you both with a hug and for the first time in 8 years, you smiled at Donnie, with Donnie, and your little girl Hana.


Things went great for the next few decades. Being human, you died first, from old age and Donnie died shortly after. Hana and her husband, Kokoro go to both your graves every week on Sunday, and set flowers by the tombstones. Two graves right next to each other. But, somewhere in heaven, you and Donnie were 20 again, laughing, giggling, smiling and being you. You watched over Hana and Kokoro, loving each moment. You watched your granddaughter grow up, and soon, every other person you knew joined you. You and Donnie hadn't ever been happier. You floated in heaven with Donnie until the end of time itself, loving every moment of your mortal and immortal lives.

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