~Control~ (Leo x Reader x Raph)

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You were walking to the lair today. It was clear skies, and your bright eyes seemed to smile back at the sun. But not literally, because you'd be blind.

You got into the lair and ran up to Leo. You hugged him. "Today is our one year anniversary", he said. You nodded.  "I know!! And I got you this", you said and pulled a super rare (only 20 people in the world have it), Space Heroes movie. He gasped. "How?!" He asked. "Well, thanks to my uncle who was at Comic Con last weekend", you said. He smiled and wiped a tear away. "Thanks so much", he said and hugged you.

He pulled a box from the top of the tv and gave it to you. You opened it and looked inside. It was another box. "Ok, maybe he's just messing with me", you told yourself.

You unwrapped box after box with only another box inside. You finally opened the last box and saw a mini IPod. You smiled. "Thanks so much!!" You said. "Donnie was able to make it. He used April's old one that she didn't need and wired it, so you could use it", he said. "Thanks Donnie!!" You yelled. "NO PROBLEM", he yelled back from his lab. You hugged Leo again. "Thanks so much Leo-Bear", you said. He laughed. "No problem", he said and kissed you.

Later that night, when you were gone and Leo was in bed, the door creaked open in Leo's room. Leo woke up at the sound and looked around frantically. "W-who's there?" He asked. The future came closer, his knife gleaming from the light that flooded in the doorway. "R-Raph?!" Leo whispered. "I'm sorry", he said and slit Leo's throat. Leo could only think about (y/n) as he slowly faded into a dark death, never to see light again.

The next day, you ran to the lair, after receiving an urgent text message from Donnie. You had no clue what happened or anything. You ran in and stopped in the main room. Mikey and Donnie looked at you with tears in their eyes. "What happened?! Is Leo hurt?!" You asked. Splinter came and wiped a tear away from his face.

"Come child", he said. You walked with him to Leo's room. You opened the door and gasped, tears flooding your vision immediately. Leo's neck was covered in blood and some stitches were wound on his giant cut. You felt your knees buck and you slowly sat down, curled up in a ball. "W-who could h-have d-done this?" You sobbed. Mikey came in and helped you out of Leo's room. You sat on the couch, thinking about every memory with Leo. That's when you remembered.

You ran into the lab and onto Donnie's computer. Donnie and Mikey ran after you, followed by a fast walking Splinter. You pulled up a security camera's footage in Leo's room. You replayed last night's action. It looked like the figure was a turtle. "Why?" You asked. "I was here all night. Check my lab surveillance", Donnie said and pulled up his lab footage of him sleeping on his desk while Leo's death. "I passed out on the couch. You can check that out too", Mikey said and pulled up his actions from last night, him playing Call Of Duty until he passed out a few minutes before Leo was killed.

"I was sleeping as well, in a deep trance", Splinter said and you brought up his footage of Splinter in his room, sleeping soundly around the same time Leo was killed. "If you didn't do it, I wasn't here, Mikey was passed out, and Donnie was sleeping, who did it", you asked. Raph entered and you looked at him. "Raphael, where were you last night?" You asked. "I was sleeping.", he said. You pulled up his footage and saw he was out of his bed the same time Leo was killed. "Can you explain why you were out of bed when Leo died?" You asked. "Getting water", he said. "Funny, I didn't hear any sinks run. Because if they did, I would've woke up", Mikey said. You noticed something on Raph's mask. "Come here", you said. He hesitated, but came towards you. You gently held his mask tail and gasped. There was a drop of dried blood on his mask. "YOU KILLED LEO!!" You yelled. Mikey and Donnie gasped and Splinter's eyebrows furrowed. Raph took out his sais and stabbed you through the chest.

"(Y/n)!!" The three of them cried. Splinter used a pressure point in Raph and he fainted. "Get her operated now!!" Splinter yelled.

Donnie helped you onto a lab bed and shoved Mikey out of the room. He injected you with Novocaine and you passed out.

When you woke up, you saw Mikey and Donnie staring at you. "Thank god she's alive", Mikey said. "We-we were able to save something for you", Donnie said. He helped prop you up as Mikey exited the room for a few seconds. Into the lab, came hobbling Leo on crutches. You felt happy tears escape your face. "H-" "We actually found out he was still breathing, so we did emergency surgery and we got him back", Donnie said.

After Leo and you recovered, you were back to being together all the time. Raph was never spoken to again by anyone and he hung himself for killing Leo a few days later. You spent much more time with the three turtles and their Sensei, happy Leo was back and never any happier.

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