~My Little Puppeteer ~(Mikey x Puppeteer!Reader)

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Shredder made a deal with you. A horrifying deal. One that made you shiver. One that could bring chills to anyone. To kill a man was brutal enough. To kill four turtles and their master rat, that's a different story. Puppeteering was always a talent of yours. Luckily, being in high school had its perks. Being a puppeteer, all you had to do was fine the string to the puppet. April O'neil.

You walked into the school, straight up to the locker of April's. She stood there, smiling and laughing at a boy's joke. The boy, you recalled, as Casey Jones, a rookie and the "vigilante of the night". You hated him as much as you hated April. (I actually agree. This Author-Chan hates April O'neil too!! You go girl!! *snaps fingers in a z formation*)

"Hey April!!" You cheerfully said. She turned and smiled. "Hey, what's up? Can you come to my place?" You asked, an evil glint in your eye that clearly neither of them noticed. "Sure!!" She said, closing her locker. "Great. See you after school", you said as she walked off.

Casey stared at you as you started to walk away. "Leave her alone", he said. You flung a string at him, which wrapped around his wrist. You pulled him toward you and grabbed the collar of his shirt. "Listen to me. I'm gonna make myself clear. Stay away from her and me. Don't get any... strings attached to her if you know what I mean. She'll be dead by morning", you said and snapped the string back. He fell unconscious to the floor as you quickly walked away.

That night, you waited in the bedroom, strings ready. You heard your door creak open. "(Y/n), ready to-" you wouldn't let her finish her sentence because you flung five strings at her, one for her head, one for each arm and leg. You cackled. "Let's go kick some shellheads", you said.

Meanwhile, the turtles were sitting in their usually spots in the lair, Leo meditating, Raph reading some shit magazine on a beanbag in the main room, Donnie in his lab, and Mikey watching a knock-off Powerangers when April came in. Little did they know, up high in the rafters, you sat, controlling April with a wooden plus sign that had all five strings attached to it.

"April, you seem off", Mikey said. "Not off, just delusional", April said and threw her fan at Mikey. He jumped out of the way. Raph stood up. "The hell April!!" He yelled and dashed forward, yanking her arm. You brought up April"s foot and kick Raph in the gut. He let go and April kicked him away.

"Guys, stop-" both Leo and Donnie were cut off by April who threw Mikey across the room. Everyone looked at April. Mikey looked up towards the rafters. "Come out!!" He yelled. Your eyes widened. "He can see me?!" You asked yourself. Mikey threw a few ninja stars at April's threads and cut her loose. Of course, that was no use.

She was already dead.

(Gonna make a part two, just hold on. Sorry I haven't been updating. For those of you that still wait for me, I love you so much!! The rest of you, I still like you!! Keep reading fangirlies!!)

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