~Prom~ (Leo x Reader)

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I saw a cute little story on Instagram, so now I wanna turn it into a cuter and bigger one.

You were walking with Leo down the street so that you could go home and finish your work. Of course, Leo was in human form. He went to the same school as you and he was holding a single balloon. He'd been your best friend ever since he found you being beat up by the PDs. "I don't understand why people are asking others to the dance!! It just doesn't make sense why people would go. Besides, if I would go, who would I got with?! The paper said that it had to be a boyfriend, and this is just... UUUUGGGGHHH!!" You ranted. Leo chuckled as you both Rene the corner. You stopped at your doorstep and sighed. "Thanks for walking me home Leo", you said. "Here", he responded and handed you the balloon. You laughed and took it from him. "Thanks", you said and walked inside.

Later on when you were working on homework, you had your female cat, Delancy, in your room too. You had just finished your math when you heard a loud pop. You whipped around and saw your cat scurry onto the bed. "Delancy!! What did you-" you were cut off when your eye caught something. It was the rubber of the balloon. You peeled apart some of the rubber and took out a note and a ring. The ring was a cute (f/c) one with a cat on it. The note said:

Dear (y/n),

I know that lately you've been under a lot of stress, an I've been wanting to tel you that I love you. And would you come to prom with me?

~ Leo

You smiled and texted Leo.

Meanwhile, Leo was watching Space Heroes when he got a text from you:

Thanks for the balloon and rig silly!! Of course I'll go with you!!

Leo smiled and hugged his t-phone. "What the hell are you doing?" Raph asked as he walked by. "Hugging my world", Leo responded as Raph gagged.

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