~Fallin' For Ya~ (Donnie X Reader

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Four shadows crept into TCRI to obtain new info on the Kraang's plots. They passed a jail unit but Donnie looked in one that had a plaque that read: Reject turtle. He unlocked the cell and saw you with (h/l) (h/c) hair, eyes closed, and (light or dark) green skin tone. Donnie blushed and picked you up.

After destroying some of the lab reports, the turtles made it back to the lair. Donnie set you down on the metal table and wrapped your arms and feet. You woke up a few hours later and looked around. Donnie gave you a soft smile. "Hello", he said and you blushed.

Donnie helps you adjust to this life. April and her boyfriend Casey came over once a week. One day, you were walking with Donnie, just talking for shits. "Look Donnie I-" you were cut off by a strong pang in your back and fell down, blood seeping into your vision.

When you woke up, you were in the Kraang lab. A shatter of glass was heard and Donnie saved you. "I love
(y/n)", he said. "I-I love you too", you said and pulled his plastron close to you an kissed him.

You both lived long and awesome lives. You watched your romance blossom, watched your kids grow up, and everything. You were glad you fell for him.

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