~Just Dance?~ (Donnie x Reader)

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Two people requested Donnie x readers so this is for the both of you guys!!

You were in the lair one morning, brushing your teeth in the sink. Donnie walked in with a towel slung over his shoulder. You spit out the water and turned it off, looking at him. "Umm, hello?" He said. "Hi."

"Why are you here?"



"Because my mom made egg salad when I went to bed and I stank up the whole house and this was the only partially cool place to go to that wasn't soaking wet", you said and sat on the island. Mikey walked in and smiled. "Hey, are you going to school today?" He asked. "No, it's Saturday. Wh-" "Great, we can play video games today!!" He said. "I dunno Mikey. I promised Donnie I'd help him", you said and looked at him.

Donnie sighed. "It's ok. You can go have fun." "You su-" "Positive", he said and walked out. He honestly liked you, but didn't have the courage to tell you how much he loved you. You had feelings for him, but didn't exactly know how to express them.

A few hours later of Just Dance, Donnie came out. "Ok, I'll make a deal with you. You win, you ask me out. I win, I ask you out", he said as your face heated up. "Fine", you said and pushed the Wii remote A button.

He ended up winning, but you both came out as winners. When everyone was asleep that night, he kissed you goodbye and smiled about what may happen next.

SOWWY this one was sucky.

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