~No Way!!~ (Leo x (Fangirl!) Reader

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For WhenFanGirlsFly  (I think)

You were gaping at a super ultra rare Space Heroes comic book in a glass case. You smiled. "H-how much is it?!" You asked with impatience. "$2,000.45", the store clerk said. You pouted. "I only have 1,980", you said. The clerk snapped his fingers and you were (litterally thrown out the store). You sat on the cold concrete as it started raining. You sheilded your eyes and started crying. You made it to your little house and ran inside.

Your best friend, Leo was waiting for you. "What happened?" He asked. "I got thrown out because I didn't have enough money to buy a limited edition comic book. I was 20 dollars and 49 cents off!!" You said. Leo rubbed your back. "Don't worry. I know something you can treasure", he said. "What is-" you were cut off by Leo's lips. He kissed you and pulled away. "Me", he said. "So.....wanna see the new Space Heroes Movie!!" You asked. He laughed. "Anything with you", he said.

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